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Sunday passed by in a blur. Just helping around the house, homework, reading and so on. Soon the night came over and I got ready for bed. As I lay in the bed my mind started to drift off to that dream once again. Especially those eyes. It felt like I was experiencing it in real life and that it wasn't really a dream. I don't know why but it felt so real. I turned to my right side trying to get my mind out of the trance and soon enough I drifted off.

The next day I woke up and got ready for school. When I came downstairs I saw that Mrs S had already prepared breakfast for me and was doing her regular house work. "Good Morning" I greeted her. She turned around and smiled at me "Good Morning dear. Did you sleep well" She asked me and I nodded smiling. I ate my breakfast and left for school. I soon reached there and saw all my friends at the entrance, chatting, but where was Zoey?. I looked around but I didn't see her so I decided to head over to my friends. "Yo guys wassup" I said as I reached over to them. "all good what about you" Sarah asked me. "All good. Hey guys have you seen Zoey?" I asked and they shook their heads saying no. "I thought you both would come together as you always do" Ashley said and I grew a little worried. "Don't worry maybe she had some work to do so she might have taken a off" Rose said and we all nodded. The bell goes off and we all bid our goodbyes and I head to my psychology class. I went to over to my regular seat and sat down. Students were filling up in the class and soon came Tyler. He stopped at the entrance of the class searching for someone and then his eyes fell on me. He came and sat beside me.

"Good morning" he greeted me with a energetic yet a sweet smile. "Good morning" I replied smiling. I don't know just seeing him made me happy, which is a little weird since I don't know him that well. The teacher came in and started teaching about human mind and behavior.

The class was almost over when our teacher suddenly stopped teaching. "Class may I have your attention please" she said and we all looked towards her. "you all have to do a project related to what I have taught you all in class today. You all have to do research on human mind and behavior"  she said and all of us nodded. "this project will be done in pairs." she continued. I didn't have anyone to pair up with so I grew a little anxious as to how I would do this project. All of the students started pairing up with their friends. "But but. The pairs will be made by me" the teacher finished and everyone in the class groaned. "oh come on students act like grown ups" she said in a matter of fact was and started pairing up students. Soon my name came up. "Crystal you will be paired up with..." she looked around the class. "Tyler. Crystal and Tyler will be a pair" she said and moved on to pair other students. I turned to look at him and saw that he was already looking at me smiling like an idiot. "Ok so where should we do this, your house or at mine." I asked him. "I think we should do it at your house"  he said and I nodded. It would not really be my house but I don't think Mrs S would mind. "We have to go together because I have work after school" I said and he agreed. "Class the deadline for this project is the upcoming Wednesday. You all may leave." the teacher said and we all got up and left for our other classes.

The day passed by in a blur and soon it was time to go home. I bid my besties good bye and saw Tyler waiting for me at the entrance of the school. I walked up to him and we walked together to Mrs. S's house. On the way I told him what happened at my house. After listening he looked worried but didn't say anything. He went into deep thinking. Soon we reached Mrs S's house and we both went up to my room. "Crystal, do anyone of you want something to eat." Mrs S shouted from downstairs. "Do you want something to eat" I asked Tyler because I wasn't hungry at all. "No I'm fine thanks." "No we are fine thankyou" I shouted back to her.Then we started doing our project. I was researching about the topic online while he wrote it down and let me tell you, his writing was something which I hadn't seen anywhere ever before. If you compared our handwritings I wouldn't stand a chance next to him. We completed half of it and soon it was time for me to go to work.

"Tyler we shall continue this tomorrow as I have to go for work." I said and he nodded wrapping up. "Crystal how do you do all this. Don't you feel tired" he asked me with both amusement and concern. "yeah sometimes it is tiring but my mother is my inspiration." I said smiling and he smiled back. We bid our goodbyes and he left. I got ready for work. I ran downstairs and informed Mrs S that I am leaving for work. I got out of the front door and started walking to the bakery. After a few minutes of walking I noticed that a black mustang was driving behind me at a very slow pace, almost as if it was following me. I thought maybe that wasn't the case but still decided to check it.

I increased my pace and noticed that the car also increased it's speed in order to catch up with me. It was clear that someone was following me and without wasting any time I started running like my life depends on it. I heard the car coming closer and closer and I ran like a madman. Soon, the bakery came into view and I increased my speed, as if it could be increased anymore. I ran and pushed open the door of the cafe and stumbled inside. I saw the car rush past the bakery, just after a few seconds I stumbled in. If I hadn't run at the right time, the person would have gotten me. I was breathing heavily. I tried to calm my heart. The good thing was that none of my colleagues were here yet and Sally was nowhere in sight.

"Who is it" Sally asked as she came from the kitchen and saw me stumbled on the floor. "Crystal what happened!" she asked as she came running towards me. I was still in shock. Nothing like this had happened with me ever before. She helped me up and placed me on one of the nearby chairs. She got me a glass of water which I gladly accepted. After drinking it I felt a little better. She was still waiting for my answer but my mind was somewhere else.

What the hell is happening to my life!?

So guys this was chapter 6. I hope ypu liked it and I would like to thank everyone who is supporting me.  Please keep reading and enjoy! Have a great day...

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