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The bullet passed by the Lycans or as I should say the beast, with only a gap of few inches. "that was close Rose focus" Ashley said. I was trying my best to focus but they were fighting for god's sake!. I couldn't fire if they kept moving from their places at such speed. I fired once more and it missed again!. "god! focus Rose!" I groaned, annoyed with myself. "Rose calm down you will not be able to focus with a heated mind take a deep breath and then fire" Crystal said. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in. I have to stay calm. I opened them and fired again at my target and it missed again!. What is happening?!. I had only 2 bullets left now. I lifted the gun again, pointing at my target and fired. But, what we hadn't expected was a sudden change of situation. Noah was fighting the beast and as he turned around sharply in order to avoid the beast's claws, the bullet passed by him, almost grazing him.

He turned to look at us with wide eyes. "What the hell are you trying to do?!" he screamed. "umm...trying to help you guys" I said avoiding his gaze. "well it doesn't look like that because that bullet could've ended me within a second!" he shouted and before any one of us could say anything, the beast emerged from behind Noah and slashed his back with his huge deadly claws. Noah screamed in pain and landed on the floor with a loud thud and that's when we realised that all of our friends were lying on the ground, injured beyond healing and the beast was looking directly at us with his pitch black eyes. I felt as if all the air was sucked out of my body and it started making its way towards us, taking ever so slow steps, as if to tease us. I had only 1 bullet left and if I missed we would never be able to get out of here!. They were slowly gaining on us and our hearts were racing like crazy!. I lifted the gun, pointing directly at the horrendous creature. We saw the end of its mouth twitch, as if they were smirking at our failed attempts. Their unfaltering steps made it clear that they believed we didn't have the guts to do it.

This just fuelled my anger even more and I pressed the trigger of the gun with all the strength that had left in my body. The bullet hit them directly at the heart. Their smirk was quickly replaced by a look of agony, as they roared in pain and stumbled backwards. Then suddenly Tyler emerged from behind the beast and attacked its back with his claws, breaking the beast's spine. It roared in agony and fell on the floor on its stomach. As soon as it touched the floor, it was no longer a beast. Lying on the floor were Ethan, Derek and Liam. All three of them had a broken spine and a wound on their chest where I shot them. Their screams had turned into groans of pain and after a few seconds, all we heard was silence. All of us waited for a few seconds, Tyler and the others ready to attack again in case they woke up, but it didn't happen. All three of them were sprawled on the floor motionless.

Without thinking of anything else. I dropped the gun on the floor and all of us rushed to our friends. I ran towards Noah, while he stood there with a smile on his face, and I immediately engulfed him in a big hug. Even though he was covered in blood and sweat, it didn't matter to me.

A smile made its way up to my face as I hugged Tyler with even more force than I already was. "you guys did it" I whispered in his ear. "no we did it" he whispered back in my ear and my smile grew wider, if it could even grew any more wide. "guys we have to leave this place" Zayn suddenly spoke up and both of us seperated from each other. "Issac might not wake up before morning but Aiden can. Even though he is weak but he can still give us a good fight" he said and all of us nodded. But then I realised something. "wait a minute who told you about Issac and Aiden" I asked him. "a girl about our age or younger came to the basement this morning and told us about your plan" he said and I turned my head to look at Zoey. Abigail!. She had the same look on her face and so did the other girls.

"We have to get her out of here too. She was kidnapped by the Lycans we have to help her!" I said desperately. "I'm afraid that it cannot happen" Scott suddenly spoke up and I turned my head to look at him. "why?" Zoey asked him before I could. He took a deep breath, as if preparing for something challenging. "The Lycans killed her. When she informed us about your plans and was about to leave, the Lycans came downstairs and before she could even say a word in her defense they killed her." he said in a low voice and I couldn't believe my ears. I just waited for him to say that all of this is not true and that we will be taking her with us but the words never came out of his mouth. As i was standing there, stunned, a thought crossed my mind and I felt a deep chill go through my spine.

If Abigail had died in the morning, who did we talk to a few minutes ago. As the realisation hit me, tears filled in my eyes. She helped us even in death. I tried my hardest not to burst into tears then and there. Thankyou Abigail!. There was a moment of dead silence between us. "guys we gotta go" Zayn said suddenly. Zoey turned her head and looked at him. "why do you always have to be so insensitive" she said. Zayn sighed. "I'm not being insensitive. I'm being practical and thinking about our safety. I feel really really bad about what happened and if we were not restrained and injured, we would've definitely protected her because she risked her life for our safety" he said."I'm sorry" Zoey said sadly. Zayn gave her a small smile and engulfed her in a hug. "guys it would take us days to get out of here this area is surrounded by forest" Sarah said. "not really" Ashley suddenly spoke up. All of us turned to look at her. "how are you so sure?" Scott asked. "because of this" she said holding out a map! "hey! where did you get that from?!" I asked or more like shouted.

"When me and Sarah were searching the 2nd corridor I stumbled across a room, more like a library and because I couldn't search it that very moment. I came back the next night, around 1 am and inspected the library in hopes of finding something and I did. I found a book of maps" she said and our eyes were wide. That was awesome!!. "That was impressive" Scott said and she smiled. It was more of a smirk. Without wasting any moment, all of us started making our way out of the castle.

As we got out of the main door of the castle, I turned my head to look back at the place, which I wish I never come back to. From here, I took the memories of 5 devils, but also an angel.

Thanks for reading!
Bye! ❤

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