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I guide everyone towards the nearest town with the map in my hand. This forest was deeper than we had assumed. It was no less than a maze and no doubt the Lycans brought us here. No one could get out of here without a map. The town was approximately 5km away and we had already covered 1 km. Suddenly I heard a loud thud and all of us stopped. We turned around to see Rose was sitting on the ground, her face a little pale. "guys I can't go any longer" Rose whispered. "Rose what's wrong" Noah said getting down beside her. "I don't feel well" she said. I rushed to her and checked her tempreture. She was heating up but only a little bit, but it will definitely increase if we kept going.

"guys she's heating up a little bit but it will get worse if we kept going like this." I said and all of them grew even more worried. "we can stop if you want" Scott offered. "No we can't stop We have to reach back home. I'll walk" Rose said getting up with a struggle. "are you sure?" Noah asked her worried and she nodded. All of us started walking again, determined more than ever.

After walking for what felt like an eternity, I saw something a few meters ahead of me. A road! "guys! see a road!" I shouted and all of them looked towards it. "yes! we did it!" Crystal shouted. All of us rushed to it and within moments we were standing beside the road. "but in which direction do we have to go left or right" I said looking at the map. I  couldn't understand where we have to go. "towards the right" Scott suddenly said, sniffing the air. "I can smell humans" he said looking back at me. "Quick question" I said with a hint of sarcasm. "shoot" Scott said. "If all of you can smell human scents then why didn't you guys guide us to this place. We would've found a shortcut and there would have been no requirement of the map" I said. "the place we were held captive was deep inside the forest and the scents present in the forest like the scents of different animals, the scent of nature, it all covered the scent of this city and we could only smell it when we reached here" he said explaining. I nodded. "Come on guys let's not waste time" Tyler said and all of us started making our way towards the city.


I got off the train and breathed in a air of relief. It felt so good to come back home. The city which we had found yesterday, it was called Perusa (I just made that up). Once we reached the outskirts of the city, we saw a young couple walking in the direction of the city and we rushed to them for help. We told them how we got lost in the nearby woods while trekking and had been wandering in the woods for days, not telling them the true story obviously, and they immediately agreed to help us. They took us to a nearby hospital to get us fixed up. Me and my friends had minor injuries like some cuts and bruises but Tyler and the others were badly injured. All of us were patched up and released. The couple informed the police and they called my mom to confirm that whether we had actually left for a trekk and she obviously said yes. Then they called the hotel that we stayed at for a further confirmation and they also agreed.

After all the procedures of confirmation, information and blah blah blah, we were guided by the police to the city's train station and we were arranged tickets to reach back to our city, which we got to know was 2 hours away from this city. We couldn't thank them enough. We thanked them one last time and boarded the train and that's how we reached back home. Quite adventurous! I know. "Is everyone here" I asked looking at all of them. "yes" Sarah replied. I nodded. We made our way towards the exit of the train station. Once we were out of the train station, we started walking on the familiar streets of the city not requiring a map anymore.


I woke up with a pounding head. What the hell happened!. Yes! Now I remember! I had asked Abigail to get me a drink and she must've mixed something in it. That bit- wait? why is everything so quiet, where are the boys?. I got up from the chair I was sitting on and made my way towards the main hall. As I walked into the main hall, I saw Aiden standing there, his back was facing me. "Hey Aiden where's everyone" I asked him. Instead of saying anything he just turned to face me, his eyes bloodshot red and messy hair.

"look for yourself" he said in a hoarse voice, stepping aside, and that's when I noticed it.  The dead bodies of my best friends. They had a broken spine and a bullet wound on their chest. For a moment I was unable to comprehend what had happened, but after I did, all I felt was rage. My blood was boiling and my eyes were shifting from black to their original colour from time to time. "you know who did this" Aiden spoke up from my side. I didn't reply him and kept on staring at my friends. "they can't get out of it this easily" he added on. "and we won't let them" I said. "Finding them won't be difficult" Aiden said smirking and I smirked back. "They have no where else to go" I said and without thinking anything else, we rushed out of the mansion with only one thing on our minds



All of us had come to stay at Zoey's house the day we arrived. Her parents were out most of the time on business trips so we decided to stay there. I had called my mom and promised to tell her everything later on.
Currently, me and Tyler are in the spare bedroom, Zoey and Zayn in Zoey's room, Sarah and Mason are in the kitchen, making breakfast for all of us, Ashley and Scott are in the garden and Rose and Noah went out for a walk. The time we had spent at the mansion, trying to get out, me and the girls had developed some feelings for each of them. Even though we deny it whenever we are confronted about it but deep down we know that we like them. Whether it just happened because we spent so much time together or because of the mate bond, we don't know. It just happened. Well Tyler believes it is because of the second reason.

"Tyler I wanted to say something to you" I whispered looking at him. "what" he asked whispering back. "I don't know when it happened or how it happened but it just happened" I said. "what" he asked with a hint of smile. It was more like a mischievous smile. "you know what I am talking about" I said. He is always looking for a way to tease me!. "no I don't" he says, trying his hardest not to smile. "oh come on" I said. "I want to hear it from you" he said taking my hands in his. I took a deep breath. I can do it!.

"I think I like you" I whispered looking down at our intertwined hands and the sparks which are bubbling inside my body. "Hm" he said. What?!. "That's it! that's all you wanna say" I said. I grabbed a nearby pillow and started hitting him with it. "ok ok stop!" he said and I stopped. He was about to say something when suddenly we heard a loud bang. "what was that" I asked concerned. Instead of replying Tyler was concentrating on something and then suddenly he cursed under his breath. "they're here" he said and I immediately knew what he was talking about.

This isn't going to end well.

Thanks for reading!
Bye! ❤

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