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Me and Zoe rushed to the metal door. We ran to it like our life depends on it. When we reached there we inspected the metal door. It was closed tightly from every corner. We couldn't see what was inside. Not even a sound. Suddenly my eyes went to the right side and there was a red switch there. No protective glass, no locks, nothing. It was inviting us to press it. "Zoe" I patted her on the shoulder, not  taking my eyes off of the switch. Her attention turned towards me and her eyes shifted to the switch. "should we press it?" she asked hesitantly. "I don't think that's a good idea. Wat if an alarm goes off or something like that" I said nervously. We can't risk making any mistakes. They'll back soon. "But Crys we have to take this risk. What if there is something inside which could help us. Crys we will not get another chance please" Zoe said desperately. I really wanted to open this door too but if we get caught, I can't even imagine what will happen. I was still hesitantly looking at the switch. Zoe was waiting for me, looking at me with pleading eyes.

Without doing anymore thinking I pressed the switch. I closed my eyes shut, waiting for something to happen but nothing happened. "Crys!" Zoey whisper shouted shaking me. I opened my eyes and they went wide. There it was, right in front of our eyes, a flight of stairs going down. The metal door was long gone and we both were standing there staring at the stairs. I finally snapped out of my shock and a wide smile made it's way on my face. Without a second's delay, I took a step towards those stairs but before I could step up on the first step, Zoey grabbed my shirt and yanked me back. I turned my head towards her, a confused expression on my face. "Don't you think all of this is happening way too easily" Zoe said suspiciously. I thought about it and that's when it hit me. She was right. It was all happening so easily. We found this door in plain sight and it opened up without any alarm going off. Nothing that would stop us. Ethan and others wouldn't leave anything valuable inside the castle without security and for us to enter it. "I don't think there is something inside which would help us. If there was something inside which could help us. They wouldn't leave it unsecured." Zoey said voicing my thoughts. "I wanted to give it a shot but seeing a basement wasn't what I expected I would see when the door opened." she finished. But, there was something which was ushering me to go inside. I was not willing to leave it without searching. It didn't feel right.

"Come on Crys what are you thinking let's go! they will be here any minute" Zoey asked me when she saw me looking at the flight of stairs in front of me and not moving. "It doesn't feel right" I whispered with an unsettling feeling inside of me. "what are you saying" Zoe asked me confused and concerned at the same time. "I don't know but it doesn't feel right to just leave" I said to her. I hadn't taken my eyes off of the stairs for even a single second. "Zoe we have to risk it" I said in a pleading tone. She nodded and was about to take a step but I stopped her. "I'll do it" I said to her. She looked hesitant for a moment but then nodded, keeping her head down. I know she doesn't want me to get in any kind of danger but I am willing to do this, for our friends.

I took a step ahead and now the only thing seperating me and the flight of stairs was the silver lining, where the metal door was before. As soon as I placed my foot on it to go to the other side, it happened. A loud alarm went off throughout the mansion. It was an alert alarm along with a red light glowing throughout the mansion, something straight out of a movie. I was so shocked that I didn't even think of running. Then suddenly I felt someone grab my shirt from the back and drag me backwards. This snapped me out of my shock and I saw Zoe was grabbing onto my shirt. "come on!" Zoe shouted as we both dashed towards the stairs which would take us to the second level. We ran like maniacs and rushed up the stairs and directly to my room. We both noticed that the door to my room was slightly open and we thought that maybe Ethan and others came back and heard the alarm and decided to check our room to see if we were there or not. This thought made both of us freeze but then we saw Ashley sticking her head out of the door, looking for any kind of danger and then her eyes shifted to us. "Guys! why are you standing there! come here!" she whisper shouted and we entered the room with the speed of light and I slammed the door shut. Me and Zoe were gasping for air and it took us a while to calm down. "what did you two do?!" Sarah shouted. "we'll explain everything but how did you guys came here" I asked them. My heart rate still a little high.

"As soon as we heard the alarm we had a idea that you both must have entered somewhere secured, where we shouldn't have gone. So without any thought we rushed back here" Ashley explained. The alarm was still going on and I was getting scared out of my mind. I don't want Ethan and others to hear this. Then suddenly the alarm went off. Pin drop silence across the mansion. All of us took a sigh of relief. "Guys we will explain everything later but for now we have to act oblivious. If they get even a slightest clue as to what happened here we are gonna risk not only ours, but Tyler and other's lives" I said and all of them nodded. We all sat on the bed as before, in silence, trying to calm ourselves. But before any of us could speak another word, we heard footsteps approaching the room we were in

God help us!

Thanks for reading!
Bye! ❤

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