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The day passed by in a blur and I couldn't get that dream out of my head. It just kept coming back and I couldn't concentrate on my studies at all. I've lost my appetite and all I can think about is that damn dream!. All of my friends were just making small talks with each other but I know that they were really worried for me and were observing my behavior. I could feel their worried glances. "Hey since our summer break is starting from tomorrow why don't we do something fun like a trek or something" Sarah suggested. "yeah that would be good and I know this perfect place where we could go. It's a bit far from here but it's worth it" Ashley said.


The girls were planning to go on a trek and honestly I couldn't be happier. I miss going into the woods and running through them. Just loosing yourself for a moment and not worrying about life. It makes me feel so alive and not only me, I'm sure the boys also craved a run. We haven't had one in such a long time."I think that's a great idea" I said joining the discussion. I know why they suddenly made this plan. They wanted to distract Crystal from that dream. "I'm in" I said. "All of us infact" Zayn said. "yeah we're in too" Zoe said on behalf of the girls.

"I don't think that this is a good idea" Crystal said. "what why" Sarah asked. "I don't know I just don't feel like going. I think y'all should go and I'll stay" she said. She looked really tired. "Hey that's not done. If we are going then everyone will come and if anyone denies then none of us will go" Sarah said. "but guys I seriously don't feel like going" she said. "Ok then the plan is cancelled" Ashley announced and all the girls nodded. Damn!. I really wanted to have a run but it's ok if she doesn't want to come. Her health is more important than the run."ok ok fine. I'll come" Crys said when she saw the sad faces of everyone. I know she can't see her friends sad. "yay!! thanks Crys I love you!" Zoe shouted and hugged her tightly. "yeah I love you too" she replied laughing. I smiled.

It was decided that we would head to the mountain Ashley was talking about. We all were talking about the trip when I saw him. He was coming towards our table with the others. Why are they coming here!. They came to our table and he spoke up. "Hey Crystal" Her attention turned towards him "Hey Ethan" she replied. "If you guys don't mind can we join you" He asked. "yeah sure" she said nodding and they sat. "By the way these are my friends Derek Hale, Issac Fletcher, Aiden Kane Landon and Liam Parker" Ethan said introducing his friends. "It's nice to finally meet all of you" Crystal said. "It's nice to meet you all too. We never got a chance to introduce each other properly since we have seperate classes" Derek said. "yeah Derek is in my class, Aiden is in Sarah's class, Issac is in Ashley's class and Liam is in Rose's class" Zoe said and Crys nodded. Then they started talking to the girls, completely ignoring the fact that we were there as well and I just prayed that lunch gets over soon. I'm not sure I can control myself any longer. Soon the bell rang signalling that lunch was over. "Crystal I think we have Literature together now" Ethan said. "yeah" she replied nodding. "so shall we" he asked me. "yeah of course" she said. I don't have this class with her!. He better not try anything or else!. All of us left the lunch room and went our seperate ways.


Me and Ethan were walking to our shared class when he asked me "do you guys have any plan for this summer break" "no not really" I answered and he nodded. I didn't really wanna tell him about the trek. I don't even know why. I could've told him but the words came out of my mouth before I could even think of them. We reached our classroom and I took a seat next to Andrea. She was in this class too.

"Hey Andrea" I greeted her. "Hey Crys how are you" she asked me. "I'm fine what about you" I asked her. "I'm good" she said and I nodded. I noticed that Ethan was sitting behind me. Our teacher came in and the class started but my mind again drifted off to that dream. I tried to concentrate but I just couldn't. My mind has fallen victim to that nightmare and I hate it. "Crys I don't know whether you noticed or not but Ethan is constantly staring at you" Andrea whispered snapping me out of my thinking. "huh what?" I asked her startled. "Ethan is staring at you since the start of the lesson" she whispered again and now that she told me this, I could certainly feel his gaze on the back of my head. Why does he keep behaving like this during our lectures. I sighed. I don't have time to think over his weird behaviour. Soon the bell rang and we were allowed to go home since we only had one lesson after lunch today. I made my way to my locker and got the books which I needed for my homework today,  and kept the rest inside the locker. I closed it and waited for my friends.

Soon all of them came and we made our way to the cars. We greeted goodbye to the boys and got in Zoe's car. She dropped Sarah, Rose and Ashley and then she started driving to her house. Suddenly my phone rang. I looked to see it was my mom."Hello mom" I said picking up. "Hey Crys I wanted to tell you that I am coming tomorrow" she said. "what really!" I said excitedly. "yeah" she said laughing. "and one more thing. The spare key is with me. I accidentally placed it in my bag instead of keeping it under the mat the last time I used it" she said guilty. "it's ok mom" I said reassuringly. "ok see you tomorrow hun" she said to me. "Bye mom!" I said happily and the line went dead. "what happened you look very happy" Zoey said with a smile on her face. "mom is coming tomorrow" I said excitedly. "That's great" she said. "By the way when are your parents coming?" I asked her. They should've been back today. "Well I got a message from my mom today saying that their trip has extended. They will come back after a few weeks. But it doesn't matter I am used to it now. They have gone for longer than this" she said sounding sad and I felt bad for asking her. It's not like they don't love each other or something. Zoey and her parents are very close to each other but it's just that sometimes they are gone for a long time and Zoey has to stay alone. "Hey Zoe why don't you come and stay at my house for a while since my mom is coming tomorrow" I suggested. "will that be ok" she asked unsure. "of course it will!" I said. "I would love to" she said smiling.
I can't wait for tomorrow.

Hey guys so this was chapter 19. I hope you guys liked it and tell me in the comments what do you think about this story. Suggestions are always welcomed.
Bye! ❤

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