CHAPTER 21 (Pt. 1)

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Me and the girls were waiting outside the hotel for boys to come. I don't know why but I am getting a bad gut feeling. It's been there since the first I thought it's nothing and that I am just tired but as the day goes on it is getting stronger and stronger. I haven't told anyone about this because we all are here to enjoy and I don't want to ruin it...they all have been worried enough these past days...all thanks to me and I don't want to continue it. The boys come with the equipments we all require for trek and we all drive to the mountain and let me tell you it was beautiful. I couldn't wait to start our trek but this feeling wouldn't go away. We all parked our cars on the parking spot and got out. We all started our trek from the starting point which was near the parking spot. I tried to let go of the feeling as I enjoyed the beauty of nature around me. After walking for a while we were at a good distance from the starting point but we still had a lot of distance to cover till we reached the top. Me and my friends were so lost in observing the nature and animals...we didn't notice that Tyler and the others were not behind us anymore. We were all just observing our surroundings when we heard it...a growl..."guys you heard that?" Sarah asked nervous..." sounded like a growl" Rose said..."it was a growl and that too a wolf growl" I said looking around...alert."but I was told that there were no wolves on this mountain" Ashley said..."Zayn can you see the map and tell us where we are" Zoe said looking around for any danger. "Zayn?" she asked again when she didn't got any response...."guys where are they!" she asked nervous...and that's when we noticed that they were not with us..."is there a chance that they lost their way" I asked..."how is that possible...they were walking right behind us" Ashley said...almost shouting from nervousness. "Tyler! Zayn!" I shouted but got no reply. We called out to each one of them but got no reply. "what is happening?!" Sarah shouted...suddenly we heard it again and this time from behind us...we all turned around and we all litreally screamed our lungs out...there stood the same creature that I saw in my dream. It stood on it's hind legs with fur covering every part of it and those pitch black eyes and claws sharper than knifes....same as it was in my dream.But the worst part is...there are 5 of them standing in front of us. They took a step ahead but we didn't move from our places...we all were frozen in shock and fear...My mind was completely blank...I couldn't think straight. All of us were in the same position and that's why we didn't make a run for it at the moment. Then they took another step forward and one of them accidentally took a step on a twig and it snapped...that's when we came out of our shock and realised what situation we are in...."guys run!" Zoe shouted and we all made a run for it. We could hear the thumping of their paws behind us explaining that they are following us. This made us run even more faster than we already were. We could hear them gaining on us and we tried to run faster but we just couldn't. My lungs felt like they were on fire and I couldn't feel my legs at all...but I kept on running. I think luck wasn't on our side today because all of our focus was on running and we didn't notice the wooden log which was coming in our way and as you all must have guessed...we tripped on it and fell on the ground...hard.Before any of us could get up and run again...they grabbed us and picked us up from the ground. "Help!" Sarah shouted. I tried to get the beast's arms off of my waist but the more I struggled the more it's arms tightened around my waist. I couldn't breath and my insides were paining a lot. I think it noticed that and it somewhat loosened it's arms around me. I took a deep breath...feeling a little better and the creature made a sounded like a chuckle. I started to struggle again...We have to get out of here!...They started moving in the opposite direction of where we had to go...they were going deeper in the forest...we all were shouting for help but no one else was there a probability that they took Tyler and the others as well. This thought made me even more scared. Then suddenly all of them groaned in pain and removed their hands off of us. We all fell on the ground but got up as soon as possible and backed away. They fell on the ground as well and I looked up to see...the other creature!...this was the one which I saw in my first dream. It was also standing on its hind legs like a proper human and had fur all over its body...but this one had red eyes. The same red eyes which I saw in my dream...Me and my friends had our eyes fixated on them...not leaving them even for a single second. The surprising fact is that they were also 5 in number. Before we could even think anything...all of them roared and attacked each other. It was horrific. My whole body was shaking and my friends were in the same state. "guys...we should make a run for it...this is the only opportunity we have" I whispered to my friends..."but what about Scott and others" Ashley said crying..." Ash...if we don't run now we will not live ourselves...once we reach the starting point of the mountain...we will rush to our hotel and call the police.." I said and she nodded. We took a few steps back as quietly as we could and then we turned around and made a run for it. We didn't dare look back. We only made to a few metres when we heard the scariest sound of our lives. We heard painful and loud growls from behind us and when we turned around we saw the 5 creatures...the ones who saved us...they were lying on the ground with huge claw marks. They were so deep that they all were loosing blood so fast....but then something happened....the injured wolves started changing into humans and when they changed completely...all of us screamed in horror...those wolves changed into Tyler, Zayn, Mason, Scott and Noah! is that possible!...I couldn't think head was spinning in circles. All of this is too much for us to handle. Then suddenly the we recognise them...with black eyes looked straight at us and their mouth was felt like all of them were smirking and then...they all howled and started running towards us...without thinking anything we started running towards the starting point but then we all did the stupidest thing ever....each of us ran in 5 different directions...we didn't notice that we all weren't together and that we were running further way from the starting point....I kept running like my life depends on it...well actually it does. Then I decided to look behind me to one?...I stopped running...where is that wolf!?...but then I looked at the front and I swear I have never screamed so hard in my life before....there stood the creature...just metres away from me. Before I could even move a step away it grabbed me and placed me on its shoulder. It had a tight grip on my waist and even my punching and kicking wouldn't affect him at all. It started moving deeper inside the forest when suddenly....Tyler appeared out of nowhere and stabbed the wolf with a screamed in pain and subconsciously loosened its grip on me. Tyler got me out of its grip and we both started running in the opposite direction...I looked back to see the wolf and my eyes literally popped out of there sockets...the wolf who tried to take me was no longer there and instead lying on the ground was Ethan!...with the knife still in his stomach. WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL IS HAPPENING!!...Tyler managed to get us out of the forest and to a open field which was nearby. I was silent for a while...completely numb and then it hit me that what had actually happened. I started crying real bad. Tyler tried to calm me down but it wasn't helping at all...I felt like I wasn't sane at all!...then suddenly we heard movement in the bushes and Tyler immediately pushed me behind his back and then came out Zayn and Zoe!...I pushed Tyler aside and ran to Zoe..."Crys!" she shouted as she ran upto me and we hugged each other tightly. "I thought that you were.." Zoe couldn't complete her sentence because of crying so hard..."I thought that too" I said crying. I was so happy she was safe...but our happy moment was short lived..."they took the others" Zayn said...and I froze. My friends are gone...they took them..without thinking anything I started running towards the forest and Zoe was running with me as well. We can't let them take our friends...but we both could reach only a few meters because Tyler and Zayn caught us before we could run any further...."zayn let us go!" Zoe shouted..."are you crazy! yourself saw how powerful they are!" Zayn shouted back trying to control her. "we don't care!...we need to get our friends back!" I shouted trying to get out of Tyler's grip..."don't be stupid Crys! you think you could do that so easily!..." Tyler shouted.

Both of them weren't ready to give up and so I did what I felt was right. I turned Crystal around and hugged her tightly...but not too tight. She kept on struggling but within a few seconds she calmed down and stood still in my arms...I looked over at Zayn to see he was doing the same with Zoey and she had calmed down as well..but then suddenly Crystal pushed me back but I stumbled back...but only a few steps. "you both were were one the..." she said pointing towards me and Zayn. I think Zoey also recalled everything since she also pushed Zayn back. "what are you guys" Zoey asked both of us...both anger and fear visible in her voice. I took a step towards Crystal but she took a step back at the same time...I could hear my heart breaking...we don't want them to be scared of us..."don't come any closer" Crystal said cautiously. I felt like crying but I somehow controlled it..."Crys please let us explain" I said...desperation visible in my voice..."what is left to explain" she said..."don't you trust us" Zayn said almost crying too... "we do but we don't want to after everything happened" Zoey said. There was silence for a moment..."look I promise we will explain everything but we gotta leave's not safe"

We didn't want to go with them but we couldn't wander here. I looked at Zoe to see she had the same look. We made eye contact and she nodded towards me. I sighed. I guess we don't have any other option...we all got to the starting point and got in Zoe's car. Tyler starting driving to our hotel...but I could only think about what happened today...can my life get any weird....

Hey guys! this was pt. 1 of chapter 21. I will update the second part shortly. I hope you guys liked it and sorry if there were any mistakes...
Bye! ❤

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