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Damn! my head! It is throbbing with pain and it feels like a freaking hangover. I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't. I tried harder this time and my eyes slowly opened. When they were completely open I was met with an unfamiliar ceiling. I turned my head to look at my right side and I instantly regretted it. Pain flashed throughout my head and I groaned. I sat up on the bed, very slowly and looked around. I was in a master bedroom which had everything I wanted in my dream room. I was looking around in awe, temporarily forgetting that I was in an unknown space. Once I overrode this awe my mind started running a marathon. How did I even end up here?.

Then suddenly I saw the doorknob twist. I immediately went to alert mode and when the door opened there stood Ethan!. What is he doing here?. I tried to remember what happened and that's when the events from previous day replayed in my mind. "Hey Angel" he said smiling at me. I didn't respond, neither did I remove my eyes from him even for a second. "how are you feeling?" he asked me as he came and sat at the edge of the bed in front of me. I ignored him and diverted my eyes from him, looking anywhere but at him. I heard him sigh. "Listen I will ask you again and you will answer me because I don't like to repeat myself he said threateningly.

I turned my head to look at him and saw that the polite and caring expression was not there anymore. It was replaced by anger."so how are you feeling" he asked me again and I remembered what Tyler had told me about Lycans. Keeping that in mind I replied"I feel fine...thanks". He had a satisfied look on his face. Then suddenly he stood up from the edge of the bed and came closer to me. Our faces were not very close but he was still very close for my comfort. "Get ready and come downstairs for breakfast" he said and then backed away with a smirk on his face. Oh how badly I wanted to smack that smirk off of his face. "Be quick I don't like to wait" he said closing the door behind him as he walked out the room. I looked at the clock placed on the bedside table to see it was 10 in the morning. I sighed and got off the bed. I walked over to the closet and opened it and it was a huge walk-in closet. I actually stumbled a few steps back because of how taken aback I was because of its size.

I walked inside and saw the clothes, which were obviously for a girl. But this was not the thing that bothered me, what bothered me was that all the clothes were exactly my size and some were the exact replica of the ones I had back home. I closed my eyes and tried to calm myself down. This is not the time to go weak. I have to find my friends!. I tried to focus but the pain wasn't helping at all, though it was a little less as compared to when I woke up. I dressed up as fast as I could and went out of the room. The house was not less than a castle itself and I was just looking around like a fool.

I walked downstairs and now I was standing in a huge hall,.with no idea where to go. How can he be so stupid to just ask me to come downstairs without telling me the exact location. I was looking around confused when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I immediately turned around, ready to attack. There stood a girl, probably my age or a year younger smiling at me. "You're Crystal right?" she asked me and I nodded, observing her cautiously. "This way please" she said as she started walking in front of me and I followed behind her. I noticed that she was wearing a black knee length dress with a white apron tied around her waist. Does she work here?. She led me past through so many doors I lost count.

After a few minutes of walking we reached a door which was slightly larger than the others. She opened it for me and gestured me to go inside. I thanked her and she bowed down to me and left. It felt weird but I decided to let it go for now. I looked back at the now open door to see. My friends!!. They were sitting on a large dining table which was exactly at the center of the room. All of them had turned to look at the door when they heard it opening. Without any second thoughts, I ran towards them and they did the same. We all gripped each other in a group hug the moment we were close. I can't tell you how happy I was seeing them unharmed. "ok ok that's enough for today come back" I heard someone say. We seperated and I noticed that Issac was the one who spoke. He had a bored expression on his face and he was waiting for us to come back and sit. That's when I noticed that we were not the only ones in the rooms. 'They' were also there. I had the impending urge to roll my eyes but I stopped myself. I didn't want any tantrum, atleast not now.

We walked to the table and everyone sat down where they were previously seated. I saw that the only seat left was beside Ethan, the last person I would like to sit next to. I sighed as I went over and sat there. It's not like I had a choice. I looked up at him to see he had a impressed expression on his face. I looked away from him and instead looked at my friends. At the exact moment we were served our breakfast. "Everyone can start" Ethan said as everyone started eating. But my mind was wandering somewhere else. Where were Tyler and others?. I am really worried about them because I'm sure they are not being treated like we are. I think Ethan noticed that I wasn't eating because he suddenly asked me. "Hey angel what's wrong" I took a sharp breath in. "Where are they? " I finally asked. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I am really very worried for them.

He instantly understood what I meant  and his breathing became heavy. I looked at him with wide eyes because I was the  closest person to him and I am getting a feeling that he will lash out any minute. "They're fine. Just eat your food" he said with heavy breathing. I was not satisfied with the answer but I didn't want to provoke him any further so I didn't push the topic forward. "That's not what she asked. Where are they" Rose said sternly. "It's none of your business! Just eat your goddamn food!" Liam screamed on Rose. Rose was on verge of tears and me and my other friends were glaring at him. After this pleasent response we decided to leave the topic where it was.

If they weren't going to tell us

We'll find our friends ourselves.

Hey guys so this was chapter 23. I hope you all liked. Thanks for reading and sorry if there were any mistakes...
Bye! ❤

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