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After what felt like an eternity we finally heard the sound of their muffled voices coming from downstairs. My friends looked towards me, both with hope and fear in their eyes. Hope for our plan to work and fear for me. I gave them a reassuring look even though I was scared too from the inside. But I won't let my fear overpower me. If we back out now there is no hope left for us. I took a deep breath and stood up from the bed. I walked out of Crystal's room, where all of us were. I looked left and right to see the corridor was completely empty. Dammit! where are they!. I rushed to the staircase and then downstairs and reached the main hall. Where did they go all of a sudden?!. I decided to check the dining room first. As soon as I entered the room, I saw Abigail cleaning the table. Should I ask her where they are?.  "Aiden sir is in the bar. Its the third door to the left" she suddenly spoke up without even looking up at me. What the hell?. Did I spoke it out loud. "yes you did" she said chuckling. "but how did y-" "I heard all of you discussing your plan. You should be a little more cautious when discussing something like this. The door of the room was open" she said now looking up at me and my eyes widened. What if one of them heard it too!?. "don't worry none of them heard it" she said. "are you a mind reader or something" I shouted with disbelief. "Not really. You're a little too loud when you think" she said chuckling. "are you sure you guys wanna do this you know what will happen if you guys fail" she said sounding dead serious all of a sudden.

"Yes. This is the only way we can get out of here and take you with us" I said with confidence. She stared at me for a while and then sighed "I'm really grateful that you guys thought of helping me but I can't leave this place" she said now avoiding my gaze. "why?" I asked confused. What could be the reason she wants to stay in this hell hole after so many years of pure torture and sadness. "they have something which is more precious to me than my own life and if I tried to escape this place they would not hesitate to harm it or more like him" she whispered in a low voice. It was barely even audible but I heard it. "who is it" I asked her in a comforting voice. I didn't want to push her anymore. She was already suffering through so much. She took a deep breath. "my brother". My eyes widened. "but you said your family" I stopped midway. I didn't want to say it. I know it would hurt her. "yeah I thought the same thing when I heard the news on the TV but the next day they told me something which forced me to stay here. They have kept my brother hostage" she whispered with tears in her eyes.


"There is a possibility that they are lying so that you never think of leaving this place" I said. "but what if it's true look Sarah I know you guys want me to have a good future and a better life but I'm sorry. I can't leave this place. If they really have my brother they will not hesitate to kill him the moment they know that I have escaped. Please Sarah I can't take the risk. He's the only family I have left" she said trying very hard not to cry. I was about to say something to her but she interrupted me. "Don't worry about me. Go. You don't have much time" she said looking at me. I turned my head up to look at the wall hanging on the wall to see it was 5pm. Oh no!. My eyes widened and without thinking anything else I rushed out of the dining room and ran left. I reached the 3rd door and immediately my nose scrunched up in disgust. I could smell the alcohol even when the door was closed. I decided to knock. "who is it" I heard a slurred voice coming from inside the room. It was Aiden. Just as Abigail said. "it's me...Sarah" I said kind of reluctantly. I just hope everything goes according to our plan. Then suddenly I heard a click sound and the door opened, revealing a completely drunk Aiden.

Oh god! Help me through this!

"heyyy sweetheart whattt are you dooing here" he said in the same slurry voice. "well I just thought that we should spend some time together. After all we are going to be together for the rest of our lives. Don't you think we should get to know each other close" I said changing my voice a little and inching closer to him, way more close than I would be comfortable with. I was nervous that it might not work or he would start asking me questions but none of that happened. Instead he smirked at me. "I wouldn't mind that at all" he said in a seductive voice and I felt so so so uncomfortable but I gotta do this. I gave him a smile and pushed him inside, walking in myself and closing the door behind me

HEY ANGELTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang