CHAPTER 21 (Pt. 2)

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All of us reached our hotel within a few minutes and headed to our rooms. Me and Crystal enter our room and I lock the door behind us. I don't want anyone else to hear what I am about to tell Crys. She moves over to the bed and sits on it. She is looking really tired. I go over to the bed as well and sit down, but at a distance from her because I don't want to make her uncomfortable.

I take a deep breath.

Here goes nothing.

"Crystal" I said and she looked up at me,waiting for me to continue. "As you would have already figured out. We are werewolves" I said. "Me and my friends came here to protect you and your friends" I continued. "and the other wolves. The one with black eyes are Ethan and his friends. We came here to protect you and your friends from them" I completed. "but why didn't you all tell us this before" she asked. She looked a lot calmer than before.

"We were afraid that if we tell you the truth, all of you might leave us and we couldn't let that happen" I said truthfully. "But why would you guys risk your life in saving ours. Why are we so special to you all" she asked confused. I was silent for a while. "Crys how much do you know about werewolves" I asked her. "I know that they are half human and half wolf. They are the strongest on the night of full moon. They can shift anytime they want and this way they survive in the human world and that they have a soulmate with whom they spent their entire life" she answered. I sighed. "It's a little easier now that you know these things" I said. "what do you mean" she asked confused.

"Crys you are my soulmate and your friends are soulmates of my friends" I said and she was completely blank. "Crys I know that this is a lot to take in all together but I want you to know the truth. You are my soulmate, Zoey is Zayn's, Sarah is Mason's, Rose is Noah's and Ashley is Scott's. We came here to protect you all because Ethan and the others wanted to take you all away and mark you all as their mates and we all couldn't let that happen" I said finishing. I felt relieved after I told her the truth. It felt like a huge weight was lifted off of my chest. "wow...That's some pretty heavy information to take in..." she said with a heavy breath. I know after this she wouldn't be the same around me as she used to, but it was important to tell her the truth.

"But the thing that is bothering me the most is why would Ethan and the others want us as their mates. Shouldn't they have their own soulmates like every other werewolf?" she asked. "Before answering that question I need to you to know something. Werewolves are of different types. In a pack of werewolves the highest is the Alpha, second in command is the Beta. In the absence the Alpha, the Beta is the one who leads the pack. The third in command is the Gamma, after Gamma is the Hunter, they are the ones who collect food for the pack and lastly we have the Omegas. They are the lowest in the pack. They serve the pack and fight during wars." I said. She was listening to me with full concentration which signalled me to continue.

"Apart from these there are two more types of werewolves. They are not a part of any pack, they survive on their own. First are the Rouges. They are the ones who used to be a part of a pack but due to some reason they lost their pack, maybe in a war or they were kicked out of their pack. They are not allowed in the territories of other packs and so they wander around. The next are the..." I paused. She was looking at me, waiting for me to continue. "The next are the Lycans. They are the strongest of all the werewolves, stronger than Alphas as well. They have their own territories and no one dares to claim it. They are not much in number as compared to other types of werewolves but they are very strong. Anyone can be turned to a Lycan except for a human because they will die in the middle of the process due to pain" I finished. "and now about your question" I spoke and her eyes lit up with curiosity.

"Lycans are the strongest of all the werewolves, but as you must have heard, in order to gain something you have to loose something. You see Moon Goddess blessed them such strength but in return, she didn't gave them soulmates" I said and her eyes widened. "Yes. They don't have destined soulmates like all other werewolves do. They choose their own mate. It doesn't matter who they are. If they have a choosen someone, they take them. They can even take a marked or mated female and male. They can also take humans as their mates" I finished and she looked scared. "So that means they can take other's soulmates as well" she asked nervously. I nodded. "so that's the reason. But why do they want us!. They can have anyone in this entire freaking world. Why are they after us?!" she said frustrated. "I don't know that but I promise you that they won't be successful in their plan" I said.

She sighed heavily and took her head in her hands. "Crys are you ok?" I asked her concerned. "I just don't know what to do. My head is spinning" she whispered, tired. I hate to see her like this. "I think you should get some rest. We will talk tomorrow" I said to her. "I don't think I will be able to sleep after what happened" she said, lying on the bed. She closed her eyes and I decided to give her some time alone. I am sure she will come around with time. I grabbed my phone and walked out the door, closing it behind me.

Hey guys so this was chapter 21 (pt. 2). I hope you all liked it and thanks for reading!
Bye! ❤

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