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"what are you doing here" Ethan said looking towards Abigail. He was way too calm and honestly it was scary. "Sir I-I w-was" Abigail stuttered, scared out of her mind. "how many times have we told you that you are not allowed to talk to them yet alone be with them. DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND!!" He suddenly screamed and not only Abigail but all of us jumped in shock. "Ethan she didn't join us willingly. We asked her to join us" I said in a calm voice in an attempt to calm him down because shouting back or being rude would only make things worse for all of us. "nobody asked you to say anything. Speak only when you are asked to" he said sternly glaring at me. I couldn't help but shift my gaze from his face. Before anyone of us could do anything, Derek came upto Abigail and grabbed her wrist and started dragging her out of the room."I think you need to be reminded your place" I heard him say to Abigail and she was beyond terrified. "No! wait! None of this is her fault" Zoey said as she started walking towards them in an attempt to convince Derek to let her go but suddenly Derek turned around and pushed Zoey away with his free hand. Zoey lost her balance with the sudden impact and she fell on the floor with a loud thud. "shut up!" Derek screamed and 3 of them walked out of the room and closed the door, making sure to lock it.

"Zoey!" All of us shouted rushing to her. "are you ok?" I asked her and she nodded. "yeah I guess" she said. As soon as we lifted her up, she groaned in pain. "you don't sound ok" Sarah said. We took her to the bed and helped her sit down. "I'm not worried about myself right now. I am worried about Abigail" Zoey said and there was a deep silence in the room. Suddenly a loud and painful scream echoed throughout the mansion and our faces paled. It was Abigail!. I rushed to the door, trying to open it up. "open up! please! It was not her fault!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Tears blurred my vision as I heard another scream. "this is all my fault" I whispered to myself. "no all of us are equally at fault" Ashley whispered crying. "the moment we get the chance to get out of here we will help her to get out of this hell hole. She doesn't deserve this life" Rose said, both determination and anger was evident in her voice. "We will get you out of here. We promise" I promised to Abigail, and more to myself.

The next day

Today would be the night of the full moon. It's 2 in the afternoon and it means that we only have a few hours to initiate our escape plan or else we're screwed. You see we would've already started with our plan but those idiots! or as I should say, Lycans, went out again. They went out to make sure all the arrangements are done for tonight's event and they had to add some some of their 'final touches' before the decorations were completed. Enough about them! I don't even wanna think about them. Not after what they did to Abigail last night. You see they left early in the morning and when me and my friends came downstairs for breakfast, they were already gone and Abigail was serving us. We noticed that she had slash marks all over her arms, both of them, even her right cheek was swollen badly. But none of us asked or said anything. We were too scared to know what happened with her. We didn't want to cause her anymore pain than she has already suffered. It's all our fault.

All of us ate our breakfast in dead silence. After we were done, Abigail silently took our dishes and walked away. The guilt was killing me inside. But it will be over soon. Once we get Tyler and others out of that basement we will get out of here and take Abigail with us. We will take her somewhere where she can start a new life. A better life.
It is 3:30 now and they still aren't back.

We can only wait

Thanks for reading
Bye! ❤

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