CHAPTER 18 (Pt. 1)

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I woke up to see that I was in our school hallway. How did I end up here?. I looked around me and saw that no one else was there except for me. "Hello!" I called out hoping someone would listen to me but I got no reply. "Hello is anyone here?!" I called out louder this time but still got no reply. "Zoey! Ashley! Rose! Sarah! " I called out to my friends and yet again received silence. Am I the only one here?. "Tyler!" I shouted and that's when I heard it. A growl. It came from behind me. I turned around and my face paled. There stood the same creature that I had seen in my dream before. It was exactly the same as before with those deep red eyes and claws. It started to walk towards me and I subconsciously took a step back. It was coming towards me, slowly increasing it's pace and I decided to run in the opposite way. I turned back to the front and started running to the end of the hallway from where I could take a sharp right turn and get to the closest exit. I started running like my life depends on it and that's when I saw it. A shadow. I could only see the shadow as the person was hiding behind the wall which made the turn. Yes! I think someone is there!.

I looked back to see that the creature was coming closer to me and when I looked back at the front, I swear my heart would burst out of my chest. There stood another creature which was the same like the behind me , except for the fact that this one was 3 times taller than the previous one and had deep black eyes. Completely dark. I screamed and that's when the things took turn for the worst. Both of them ran towards me and they were about to attack when. "AHHHH!" I screamed waking up. All of my friends also woke up and Ashley immediately turned on the lights. "Crys what's wrong!?" Zoey asked me. I was crying and shaking badly. "Oh my god! she's shaking so bad" Rose said worried. Suddenly our bedroom door burst open and the boys came in. "We heard someone scream" Mason asked and that's when they all saw me crying on the bed. "Crystal what's wrong!?" Tyler shouted as he ran towards me and knelt down in front of me. I was still crying because I couldn't get that dream out of my head. That creature, whenever I think about him a shiver ran down my spine. "Crys please tell us what happened" Tyler asked me. He was sounding genuinely concerned.

I was too scared to say anything and kept and the tears wouldn't stop gushing out. Then suddenly he got up and engulfed me a hug. I don't know what happened but as soon as he hugged me, I felt sparks all over my body and I immediately felt relaxed. I felt so safe in his arms. It felt like I could stay in his arms forever. After a few seconds he pulled away and I almost whined at the loss of warmth. "Here have some water" Sarah said as she handed me a glass of water. I drank it completely and it helped me calm down a bit more. Zoey was rubbing my back in order to help me calm down. After a few minutes I was down to some small sniffles. "What happened Crystal" Tyler asked me again. "did you see a bad dream?" Zoe asked me and I nodded. "What was it about" Sarah asked me and somehow I gathered some courage to tell them about it.
After listening they all were beyond shocked. The girls were really scared while the boys just stood there in silence. No one said something for a while and then Zoe spoke up. "I think we should go back to sleep. We have school tomorrow" she said and everyone agreed except for me. I was too scared to sleep. "Do you want me to stay here" Tyler asked me and I shook my head. "No. You should get some sleep. I'll also try to get some sleep" I replied and he nodded. The boys went back to their room and we all got in bed as well after Rose turned off the lights. I said that I would try to get some sleep but I didn't even get one ounce of sleep that night. What is happening?!.

Double Update!!
so guys this was chapter 18 (pt. 1). I will update the next part shortly. Thanks for reading!!
Bye! ❤

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