- Chapter 2 -

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

Rolling over in the sheets tangled up between my legs, I groaned, trying to turn my alarm off as quick as possible. "Monday morning, music to my ears." The low growl of my voice tickled my throat. Throwing the covers away from my body as I tried to push myself off of the bed. Collapsing back down onto the soft comforter out of exhaustion. I threw my hands into the air and allowed them to drop down to my sides.

"What an unusual dream," I muttered pushing my hands through the frilly mess of rat nests and knots that was my hair. Brushing it from my face I fell onto my side hoping to get the five more minutes I needed to make it through my day. Closing my eyes for no more than a second, there was a slight whisper.

"Ailis is at your service, mis." My eyes fluttered open as soon as the 'A' in Ailis had entered the room. There was a small head peering over the edge of my bed frame with a tiny black top hat and bright red hair.

"Ailis!"I couldn't believe what I was seeing. He was crawling his way up the side of my bed. Was this really happening? I watched as Ailis pushed himself up; standing taller than what I could see without moving, I didn't move though, my eyes staring straight at those silly buckle shoes. Shuffling in my sheets I moved to the other side of my small single bed.

"Top o' da mornin' ter ya cuttie." The words fluttered from his mouth full of missed letters. Shaking my head, I didn't recognize the language. Maybe I couldn't figure it out because It was too early on a monday morning. Or possibly it could be that I was still in shock, an impossibly small man was sitting just inches away, speaking in a foreign language.

"W-what does that even mean?" I question shaking my head vigorously; trying to shake the sleep from my body. He sighed.

Rubbing my eyes, I got out of bed to begin the search for something to wear. I needed anything to get me out of the oversized tee-shirt hung loosely on my body. The lull of the television I had left on last night still hung in the air.

"Top o' the mornin' to ya!" He rolled his eyes. "There did you understand that one? Sometimes I think Daoine are a little dumb." There was a harsh chuckle. He pulled his little green jacket off hanging it on the lightswitch by my bed revealing a white long sleeve undershirt that was tucked neatly into his green pants.

"Daoine?" I tried to repeat exactly as he had said it, this was not easy since he spoke so quickly and mumbled nearly every word. Of course I failed miserably and that left him laughing erratically, nearly falling off the edge of my bed the tiny guy clutched at his stomach.

"O' god ple' make it stop." His tiny lips chanted between raspy laughs. Grabbing a pair of socks off the chair I chucked them at the laughing little guy. "Gee, okay okay. . . No need to get violent now. Treat me wit a lil respect, I've got better things ta do."

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