- Chapter 26 -

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When Nathan showed up at my dorm he was shocked to see how many clothes I had actually planned on donating

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When Nathan showed up at my dorm he was shocked to see how many clothes I had actually planned on donating. His jaw nearly hit the floor as he looked at the garbage bags that were overflowing with items.

"Where did you get all of this crap?" Nathan questions, a slight chuckle echoes in his voice as he reaches to grab the first of many bags. I shrug my shoulders not really sure what to tell him.

"I guess you could say it was magic," I chuckled nervously as I helped move the bags closer to the door. Luckily the walk wouldn't be too far. Nathan looked up at me as he threw a bag over his shoulder before grabbing another two.

"Let's go Santa Clause," I stuck out my tongue as I closed the door behind us. Nathan glares as he stumbles into the hallway.

"How far away is the drop off spot?" I could tell he wouldn't be able to carry the bags very far, his hands already trembling with the plastic.

"Not very far at all, I promise," I tried my best to reassure him. I was grateful he was helping me at all.

We made our trek down the hallway until we reached the dorm that the items were supposed to be dropped off at. Knocking on the door we wait for someone to answer the door. A blonde haired girl opens the door with a quizzical look on her eyes.

"Hey, you're the girl who bumped into me in the hallway earlier," She pointed directly at me as my cheeks turn a bright red. I nod my head realizing I recognized her too. I wanted to drop the bags and run down the hallway. The embarrassment eating me up inside. She hadn't given me a flyer so maybe she would wonder how I knew about this.

"Yeah, sorry about that, we would like to donate all of this to the charity drive," I muttered, trying to move on from the fact that I was a complete klutz.

"I mean this is amazing, but where did you get all of this stuff?" She questions as she opens the first bag looking at the flashy dress she pulled out. My heart was racing as she judged a few of the items.

"They are just things I've been collecting," I could feel my palms getting sweaty as she continues to dig through everything we had delivered. Maybe it was too much. She was very clearly skeptical of the items.

"These are all designer, you don't dress like this is why I'm wondering," She looked up at me, her eyes dancing across the outfit I had been wearing. I had on a ripped up tee shirt and a pair of tattered jeans. Nothing too spectacular. I had changed my clothes when I'd gotten back to my dorm to something more comfortable.

"What?" I felt myself sputter out as Nathan interjected taking a step ahead of me to push the bag into her room.

"These are for donations and it doesn't matter how or where Emerson got them, I think the Charity drive will be pleased to have them, you have a wonderful day," With that he wrapped his arms around me as he turned and pulled me away from the door. My heart was still racing. My mind thinking back to the necklaces I had stolen. Donating my clothes hadn't made me feel better, it only made me feel worse. I wanted to throw up... actually I needed to throw up.

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