- Chapter 30 -

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I tuck the jacket around Nathan's arm as he stares at me

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I tuck the jacket around Nathan's arm as he stares at me. Those green eyes making me weak in the knees. My body shivers as he smiles. This was one of those perfect moments that I never wanted to end. I pulled the jacket tighter as I continue to look at him before pulling it just a little too tight. He contorts his face as if he was a child that was ready to throw a fit as he glares down at me.

"Sorry," I mumbled. My fingers were working on buttoning up his jacket. My mothers wedding was tomorrow and today Nathan and I were getting his tux fitted so that it looked the best it could for the wedding.

It felt weird to finally have someone in my life I could count on like Nathan. Making it official had been the best thing we had ever done, my heart was so filled with love for him. Everyday seemed brighter than the last, but unfortunately one thing was still missing.

The Leprechaun.

I shook my head as I pulled away from the jacket on Nathan's body. It actually fit him perfectly, there was no alteration that were needed. Same with the dark grey pants he wore. I tried my best to smile at him, but he must have been able to tell I was thinking about Ailis.

"I'm sorry sweetie," He leaned down and kissed me on the forehead. Pulling away he begin to take off the jacket neatly hanging it up on the hanger as he walked around the corner and into the dressing room.

I was alone, left to be with my thoughts while Nathan changed out of his super nice clothes, back into his regular outfit. A pair of cargo shorts and a nice tee shirt.

I glanced up at the mirror, looking for anything that would remind me of the tiny creature that had taken over that last couple of months of my life. Though the months had gone by so quickly, they seemed to drag at the same time. We were fully invested in school now, and things just seemed to have gone back to normal though my heart was missing such a large piece.

Nathan had been wonderful at trying to help me through the grieving process of losing such a wonderful friend. I chuckled lightly at his reaction when I had explained to him why I had to leave on our first date. He smacked Ailis on top of the head when he found this out. These were the memories that would help me continue to go onward with my life, but it still sucked to not have his influence with me at all times.

I could hear Nathan pulling his shirt off in the dressing room as he hit his elbow on the wall next to him.

"Damn, this small dressing room!" He curses as I imagine he begins rubbing his elbow. I let out a slight chuckle as my eyes drift back over to the mirror in front of me. My brown hair was slightly messy, but my eyes were full of life. For the first time in a while, my eyes actually seemed to make sense. The green brighter than they had been and I had a reason for that. Nathan.

"You're a dork," I muttered fiddling with my phone waiting for Nathan to hurry up and finish. Rolling my eyes at how slow he actually was when it came to changing his clothes.

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