- Chapter 12 -

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Thursday I didn't have classes

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Thursday I didn't have classes. I had woken up in my dorm room leaving some Lucky Charms out for Ailis so that when he woke up he would have something to eat. I changed my clothes into a matching tracksuit before heading out into the cool morning air. Today I just wanted to treat myself. There was no reason to stress out. My mother was away on a business trip. I wasn't going to worry about Miles and my mother's relationship because there was nothing I could do right now.

I place the headphone in my ears as I prepare for a morning jog. I wanted to run more often, I wanted to take better care of my body but I never seemed to find any time to. Once the music was playing I took off down the road weaving through the pedestrians as I kept a steady pace. The beat seemed to amp me up as it pulsed through my veins.

It felt really good to be on a run for the first time in a while. I wanted to stay in shape and I had somewhat let myself go. I cursed myself for staying up late with Ailis last night eating ice cream. Talenti was my kryptonite. The mediterranean mint was to die for and honestly I could eat it until I couldn't possibly move. Lucky for me the containers weren't that big.

I tried to focus on keeping an even pace as I ran. Being consistent would be the most important thing for this. I knew I needed to work out more than once a month, and my food consumption would need some adjustments as well. I shook my head, I didn't want to worry about anything today. I just wanted to listen to my music and get a little exercise in.

I couldn't have possibly ran for more than thirty minutes before I hit the main town. I slow my pace as the crowds get heavier and it become harder to dodge and weave through the pedestrians. Slowing finally to what felt like a crawl until I was just walking through the crowds. I decided a break couldn't hurt. I've been running for a while and this must have been a couple of miles.

"Oh my gosh look at that?" Children yell as they watch a entertainer do a contortionist act. I thought about stopping for a moment before shaking my head at the thought of watching someone do gross stuff with their body. Shivering I head into a small pastry, hopefully I would be able to get a drink of water and cool off before heading back to the dorms.

The air conditioned room was refreshing as I take a seat in the corner of the tiny place. I watch out the window as my legs shake under the table. My breath was still heavy, and I tried to focus on slowing it down before I head up to the counter to make an order.

Glancing up I look behind the counter towards the menu, maybe I would get something other than just water. I felt bad using the little cafe's space without making a purchase. Something got my attention though.

"Nathan?" I whispered as the handsome boy sat behind the counter smiling as he took an order from an older woman. I didn't know he worked here. I panicked glancing over my appearance. There was no way I was going to allow him to see me like this. I was a sweaty mess. I wiped my forehead with my hand trying to clean up the best I could. I jump up from the seat in the booth heading towards the bathroom. I needed to see how bad it was in case he had already seen me.

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