- Chapter 8 -

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I dropped my bag on the kitchen counter unzipping it so Ailis could come out

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I dropped my bag on the kitchen counter unzipping it so Ailis could come out. After opening the bag I heard someone coming down the stairs. My heart jumped in my chest as I pushed Ailis back into my back. I had decided to come see my mother after classes today before she left for her next business trip.

"Sweetie is that you?" I hear my mother's voice in the living room. I pulled my school bag back over my shoulder before heading towards her.

"Yeah it is, what's up. I thought you were supposed to be out with Miles?" I questioned carefully taking a seat next to her. Something seemed off as she was laying on the couch slumped up under a blanket watching television. I hadn't seen her like this since I was rather young. Around the same time my father had left. She didn't seem as happy as she normally was or as stressed out as she used to be.

"Who is Miles?" I was a little taken aback by what my mother had asked. What did she mean who was Miles? Doesn't she mean the man she was replacing my father with? What about the man she was all over yesterday when we went dress shopping? Had Miles just disappeared off the face of the earth?

"Uh, mother... We went dress shopping yesterday and you introduced him to me. You know, the man you are going to marry in a few months?" My bag hung heavily off my shoulder and I could feel Ailis shifting around between my books.

"Honey, I don't even know a Miles." My mother stood heading towards the kitchen. She grabbed herself a glass of water before quickly making her way back to the couch. I took a seat on the glass coffee table in front of her. Only after we made eye contact did I begin to speak.

"Yesterday mother, do you really not remember?" She shook her head almost immediately.

"Yesterday I worked late and grabbed chinese takeout on my way home, you can even check the trash for the containers if you don't believe me." I jumped from the table and practically ran straight for the garbage can, Ailis bouncing against my back as my backpack flailed with me. I flung the lid open on the black can only to see my mother was telling the truth. Two empty containers of what would have been fried rice sat depressingly in the trash can. I closed the lid as my brain rushed a thousand miles per hour.

We went dress shopping yesterday and I knew that. I still had the dress in my room. I met Miles yesterday and I also knew that. There was no way this was all just a dream, I needed to figure out what was going on. I felt panicked as I searched the room for any escape.

"I'll be right back." I muttered before rushing up the stairs to my bedroom. I needed to check to make sure the dress was still there. I dropped my bag on the floor after slamming the door shut behind me. Ailis let out a loud grunt before opening the zipper to jump out.

"Easy dare, yer cud 'av really 'urt me." Ailis grumbled brushing off his little suit.

"It's still here." I shouted after fumbling through a few of the clothes I had hung up in my closet. There it was, the purple dress my mother had purchased for me yesterday to wear at her wedding. I quickly grabbed the garment bag rushing back down the stairs leaving Ailis alone in my room.

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