- Chapter 25 -

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School wasn't as I had expected it to be the next day

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School wasn't as I had expected it to be the next day. The classes didn't seem to stop or care. The teachers didn't seem interested in me at all. Here I had felt so guilty but nothing really seemed to change. My heart was racing as I thought about how people could murder someone and just continue on with their normal lives for months if not longer.

It ate at me and I felt it growing harder to deal with the emotions as the day continued on. I wanted to give myself up, to tell someone what I had done. But it was Ailis and I's lonely secret.

Once class was out I was wandering through the hallways. My heart confused, my mind drifting. There was nothing to do with my day that would make me feel better. I continued on this way for what felt like hours. In reality it had been, but the time was dragging on and on. I was about to have a break between a few of my classes and I knew Nathan had the same break. Hopefully he would take my mind off of things.

My feet pulled me through the hallway until I was nearly to the exit. Papers lined the walls of the building. Announcements for clubs, or parties, people looking for jobs, or tutors. Anything you could think of somebody had an advertisement for something. I shook my head at the people who were doing things the right way.

I was a terrible person. I had stolen from family friends. Not just some random stranger on the side of the road that I would never see again. I'd stolen from people I cared about. People that had taken care of me for years. My mother, her friends, everyone I knew was in danger from me and my theft. I shook my head. My eyes were tearing up and I knew I needed to just get back to my dorm. If Nathan really wanted to hang out withe me he would contact me.

I put my head down rushing through the crowds of students sitting and talking or rushing to the next class they had. The dorms seemed so far away and it was moments like this I wished I could walk faster. Or even better, I wished I had the same magic that Ailis had so I could just whisk away and disappear. I could go gamble with my pals, or whatever he does in his free time.

That wouldn't work for me though and as much as I wanted it to be that way I didn't deserve it. The guilt was eating me up but something told me to just hold on.

Once I rushed around the corner I could feel my room getting closer. Everything was beginning to fade away, my mind was going blank. I was watching my feet, counting my steps until suddenly I ran into something... not something but someone. A girl about the same height as me was holding a stack of papers that were now strewn across the ground.

"I'm so so sorry, I didn't mean to hit you," I muttered as I glanced down at the girl who was no picking up flyers. She nodded her head as she reached for every paper that had escaped. I collapsed beside her rushing to help her gather the rest of them still mumbling apologies under my breath. My heart sank at the thought of hurting yet another person, even if it was just bumping her in the hallway.

"Don't worry about it," She mumbled as she held the papers closely to her chest. Tucking a strand of blonde hair behind her ear she rushed away.

"Damn it!" I cursed as I placed my hand on my forehead. My eyes catching once last paper on the ground. We had missed it. I bent over to pick it up before realizing she was already gone. There was no way I would have been able to catch her. I shook my head taking the paper with me the rest of the way to my dorm room. I wasn't sure what I was going to do with it, but I hope she didn't need it.

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