- Chapter 28 -

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"So pretty much you stole the necklaces to create the gold to help get your mother's life back to normal after you wished for your dead father to come back

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"So pretty much you stole the necklaces to create the gold to help get your mother's life back to normal after you wished for your dead father to come back ...but at the time you didn't know he was dead so now you were returning the necklaces that you had stolen, giving up the rest of the magic you would have had to finish off the assignment, which ends this week? Also the clothes you were donating were in hopes to make yourself feel better for stealing necklaces? Those clothes were also something that you received from magic correct?" I nodded my head listening to Nathan ramble on about what I had just spent the last two hours explaining to him. Ailis had gotten bored about an hour in and it was showing as he was snoring on the bench between the two of us.

"Yes you've got it all figured out," I could feel a sense of relief as I knew this conversation was coming to an end. I wouldn't have to focus on everything I'd done wrong the last couple of months anymore.

"That's a lot Emerson," Nathan clicked his tongue as he turns to look over the water. "You expect me to just be okay with this?" I shook my head, I guess I kind of did, but I always knew there was a chance he wouldn't be.

"No," I mumbled looking at the green grass below my shoes.

"Well, you should have, because even this won't make me leave you," He smiles reaching over to place his hand on mine. He bent over even further planting a quick kiss on my lips. "You've noticed your mistakes and you've gone above and beyond to fix them. That shows something really good about your personality and I love it, sure you may have stumbled but you picked yourself back up and came back better, I'm sure at times I'm going to stumble and I just hope you treat me the same way," I could feel his emotions in his words. He seemed very sincere.

"Thank you," I muttered. I wasn't sure what else to say. He had been so sweet and understanding after everything I'd put him through today. Ailis shifted on the bench before waking himself up. Sitting up he placed his tiny arms out above him.

"Are yer guys done yet? oi 'av a paper oi nade ter write," I chuckled as Nathan stares down at Ailis as if he was a fungus. His Irish accent difficult to understand.

"Yes, I think we are. We can get heading back to the dorm so you can write your paper," I smiled ruffling Ailis's hair. He glares at me as he pretends to fight me.

"You can understand what he says?" Nathan turns to look at me as if I had just ate something really disgusting. I nod my head.

"I've had a little while to get used to him so yeah, after a little bit he becomes easier and easier to understand," Nathan shakes his head, getting up from the bench before offering me a hand to help me up as well.

"May I join you at your dorm?" I nod my head, smiling at the fact that Nathan wasn't scared away by the baggage I had just dumped on him. My heart was racing with excitement as he took my hand and led me towards the road that we would take to my dorm room.

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