- Chapter 4 -

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Ailis and I sat in my room cross legged

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Ailis and I sat in my room cross legged. I slowly dug at the Talenti Mediterranean Mint Gelato in front of me with a silver spoon I had. Ailis munched away on some milk-less lucky charms. I leaned back against my bed.

"Okay now that you have your cereal, can we talk about why you were looking for gold in a car?" I questioned digging in for another bite of my ice cream. Ailis pondered for a moment grabbing a four leaf clover marshmallow, inspecting it.

"Well, you see here, Leprechauns have magical abilities, and what is one thing we are known for?" His accent had calmed down slightly now that we were just sitting conversing with each other but I liked Ailis better when he wasn't such a hot head.

"Gold at the end of the rainbow." I said rather proud of myself. Ailis nodded his heading reaching for a rainbow marshmallow, holding it up so I could see it before he plops it into his mouth. Chomping down on the marshmallow he smiles rubbing his tummy in delight.

"Now other than these damn rainbows do ye see any?" His aggressive tone had came back rather quickly making me rethink my train-of-thought. I shook my head. The only rainbows around here were the ones in the bowl I had prepared for him.

"No." I mouthed again since he never answered nods.

"Now how am I supposed to get gold if there ain't no rainbows?" I used to really love the Irish accent but the more I listened to Ailis the more annoying it got.

"I'm not sure Ailis." My snarky comment earned me a glare. I couldn't help but feel a little sense of pride knowing I had shut him up, even if it was just for a second.

"Gold equals magic." He stood up from his seat on the floor so quickly that he bumped into the bowl of cereal nearly knocking himself over. I could have very easily reached out and with one finger pushed him the rest of the way over, and as nice as the idea seemed I decided that it wasn't very polite.

"Okay, so what do you need the magic for?" I question. My ice cream was beginning to melt a little too much for my liking. Setting it down on the table next to us, I began fiddling with the bottom of my shirt. The minty flavor still lingering on my tongue.

"How do you think we are supposed to finish my project and fix your life without magic?" Ailis's tiny hand reached up towards his head rubbing his temples as if I was giving him the world's biggest headache in the world's smallest body.

"How are you supposed to fix my life, there is nothing that needs fixing." I was getting annoyed with him always saying my life was so bad. I didn't need help fixing things. I did well in school, I had my friends,I hung out when I wanted to, and things were never too stressful.

"I grant ye wishes to show that I can help someone without messing things up." He paused for a moment snatching a few more pieces of cereal.

Soon after I had stood up, my phone began to buzz meaning someone was calling me. I stuck my tongue out at Ailis, proving my point that someone actually wanted to hang out with me. As if wanting to hang out meant my life didn't need help. I didn't know who was calling me but I took the risk and answered the phone.

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