- Chapter 9 -

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My mother and I sat on that couch for the next couple of hours

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My mother and I sat on that couch for the next couple of hours. The bonding experience was comforting and made me feel so much better about everything that was going on. Just knowing that even if my father couldn't be there that my mother would. I had to fix this, I had to fix what I had ruined. I needed to figure out why this wish didn't work out the way I had planned it too, why Ailis even granted the wish in the first place? Once my mother fell asleep I untangled my arms from around her, she drifted further into the couch. Once in my bedroom I finally let out the breath I was holding.

"Ailis wake up--" I whispered rushing over to my computer desk where the leprechaun slept. I placed my hand on his shoulder pinching it between my index and my thumb. He rolled over in the small hand towel I had offered him as a blanket. He stirred rapidly before jumping from his slumber in a fist frenzy.

"Oh bleedin 'ell 'ill ye--" Ailis shouted with his eyes still shut and drool still on the side of his lips. He rolled back over his arms still flailing as he tucked himself back into bed. I rolled my eyes before pinching him again. He repeated his fists of furry before finally rolling onto his side. He sat up quickly looking at me, shaking his hand towards me.

"Ailis I need your help." I whispered trying to wake him up enough that he was coherent. This was harder than I had expected it to be. I shook the tiny man now that he was seated but he still wasn't very responsive. "Ailis." I snarled a little louder.

"Whaat do ye wan'" He mumbled still half asleep.

"I need you to take back the wish you granted last night." His eyes perked open as if what I had said lit a spark inside his stomach.

"You want me ter chucker waaat?" Ailis grumbled through a fit of some yawns. This guy was nearly impossible to wake up.

"I made a mistake by saying anything last night and I really didn't think you would take me seriously. I want things to go back to the way they were before I made that wish. I want my mother happy with Miles, I want the wedding to still be happening, and last but not least I want everything to be normal again." I could feel Ailis losing interest with my desperate pleas.

"I don't tink oi 'av enoof magic. oi nade gauld." I panicked, his words were hard to understand but it sounded like he was asking for gold. If Ailis didn't have enough magic that meant my mother was going to miserable until she got over my father on her own. I couldn't just start introducing her to guys because I didn't know anyone her age she would like.

"What do you mean you don't have enough magic? How do I get you more?!" I fumbled through my many racing thoughts. Where did one get magic in this world?

"brin' me gauld." I shook my head, did he really think that humans just had a million pounds of gold stashed in their pillows that they sleep on?

"Where do you expect me to get that?" He lays down again before rolling over onto his side.

I sat in Nathan's car as he drove me home. I couldn't help but smile as his silly music playing through the speakers of the old chevrolet. I wanted to strangle the little guy. He was here to be helpful and he was being the exact opposite of that.

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