T.U.M.I. - Origin

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My "name" is T.U.M.I.

Also known as "Midoriya Izuku" in some of the other timelines or universes. Call me Tumi or whatever you want to call me. I prefer being called Tumi though.

I live inside an empty void filled with dark light and bright darkness, basically a white empty place. And I usually visit other timelines or universes of myself because... well... I just want to. I have no reason for doing all of this.

Inside of this empty void you can't do anything else but sit around. You also can't tell the time here either. But for some reason I always seem to manage telling the time. Wonder how that works...

And also if you're wondering, I don't actually age. I stay as a (what other human beings call)"teenager" forever as long as I live here.

You know... for a long time I felt empty. Like something was... missing... but I ignored it of course. And I kept staying here for as long as I remember. One day... something that could change my ways of thinking was in front of me. A script. A random floating script just appeared out of nowhere. And well... I touched it for no reason whatsoever. Biggest and yet the best mistake I've made in my entire life.

A shining magical floating pen filled with dark unlimited ink appeared in my hands. And the once empty script had something written on it.

This is what was written.

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Hello "T.U.M.I". This script can be used to make timelines and/or universes.

After you make a timeline or an universe you have to live inside of it and finish it before you can create another one.

(Note. After you finish living inside or get(live) far enough to leave in your first timeline or universe you must rewrite it so even if you're gone another "you" can live inside of it.)

How do you create a timeline or an universe you may ask? Well, you just have to write a simple backstory or something that could explain the timeline or an universe.

P.S. There are many secret side effects from living inside an actual timeline or an universe. You will know what to do once your inside the timeline.

And also... you may learn the other important things as time passes by.
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After I read all of that all of the words faded away and left a blank script. The empty script... creating alternative timelines or an alternative universe... and even if I leave I can just rewrite it... it didn't sound that bad. But I left it for some time being so I could decide whether or not I should actually go and live inside of it. I mean... I don't have a reason.

• • •

I wrote it. I actually wrote it. I wrote the blank script. Did I do it right?

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Midoriya Izuku is a homeschooled boy.

His mother died from giving birth to him and his father went missing when he was four. The time before his father disappeared Mitsuki and his father would always go to Inko's grave.

Bakugo Katsuki knows who Midoriya Izuku is but has never actually met face to face with him. He only knows that he is related to Midoriya in some way. It's not like he cares anyway.

Midoriya doesn't aim to be a hero, he just wants to help people. And to do that he decided his starting and end line would be U.A. high.
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I know what a quirk is. I have traveled through enough timelines and universes to know what that thing stuff. But well... I don't have a quirk. I have something stronger. Power. And my power... well... to actually live inside a world I guess I have to use my most weakest power source I have to call it a 'quirk'.

Because if I use my other stronger powers to live inside of the timeline I created, I would not be able to actually call it "living".

Now then... Everything is set. It's done. Everything is done. There might be some things missing though. I'm still ready. I think I'm ready.

"Yeah. I'm ready. Send me in"

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(I'm too lazy to actually shade anything today so

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(I'm too lazy to actually shade anything today so... just think of this as something to show what color it is. And yeah, I know I can't draw so don't rub it in me.)

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