Tumi was captured (Villain's side)

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Midoriya Izuku kept glitching, and glitching. And his body turned into what it was before. No actual emotions, no actual personality, nothing. Just his body and his now corrupted power from a human touching him while painfully glitching.

Yeah... glitching... it was... painful...

"Whoa, his hair turned into a gradation of dark green, red and yellow! And his eyes changed too! And oh my god his clothes are now white with more cooler looking patterns! And-", Toga was about to keep going until Dabi silenced her.

"Midoriya Izuku, right? Or do you want to be called by something else?", Shigaraki asked? "Tumi", Midoriya said weakly. Not only was he unable to use his power, his body was still weak. He just wanted to rest for 2 days. Just two fucking days. Was it that hard to ask?

"Well, "Tumi" do you want to join us, the league of villains?", Shigaraki said. Tumi muttered something under his breath. "Huh, what was that?", Shigaraki said. Tumi opened his mouth once again. "There are many reasons to become a villain, and I don't have one", he said in a weak tone.

"Oh, that's a shame", Shigaraki said. "Hey! Can I take his blood?", Toga asked. "I don't have blo-", Tumi stopped himself from finishing that sentence. "What!? You don't have any BLOOD?", Toga suddenly yelled. 'It's..... too... loud.... get it... out... quiet down....', Tumi thought.

"You don't contain any blood? Interesting", a voice came through the screen. Everybody turned around to face to the screen, except for Tumi of course.

"Tell me, Tumi, what are you?", the screen said. At that question, and at that moment, the world seemed to freeze around Tumi as he took no interest in the answer, but... he didn't know. He just didn't know anynore. What was the right? And what was the wrong again? Is there even a right or wrong? And also... just like the screen-head said... what was he? He was definitely not human so...

"I am..."

What was he? Just what was he? He could use powers, powerful powers. He didn't contain blood, not a human, can't die, someone who was trying to find something Because they felt like something was missing...

'I'm a powerful being, I'm capable to destory or save. But if there was too much peace or too much destruction in every world the balance between them disappears and that's when everything comes crashing down', Tumi thought. 'That is why I don't do both, I just go with what happens but...'.

He couldn't figure out why he was created. The only information he had on himself was what powers he had, what he couldn't feel, the fact that he wasn't supposed to be created in the first place...

He was... like a human that was..... a god... and... he had time manipulating powers... and... and... he was...

'A time god, who isn't a god', Tumi spoke out loud in his thoughts as realization spread out through his entire body. At that moment, his body was still the same but... he felt some actual emotions.

Emotions... how confusing.... they were useless yet important at the same time.

He realized he was actually lonely inside of that empty white void, he realized he felt powerful, he realized many things, and he didn't knew them all along. He slightly smiled to himself. So this was what he was looking for, huh?

His meaning... what he was...

It made so much sense now. He realized he wanted to live in this timeline forever, he realized be wanted to make more memories! He realized he just wanted to live, and....!

. . .

He realized that him living inside of this timeline wouldn't be a long one...

That thought... he also realized...

saddened him.


A time god who isn't a god.

Had emotions.

He was still glitching painfully but he didn't care now. The only thing he cared about was getting out of here. Thankfully, whenever a human being touches him he cannot be effected by the touch again until his "48 hours of painfully glitching while his powers and body weakened to the point where he couldn't move anything else but his mouth" ended.

So he answered the villains question with this...

"...someone who had just found something that was missing from my empty heart", he answered.

"That does not make any sense".

A Time God that isn't a God (Time God! Izuku) (COMPLETED!)Where stories live. Discover now