When Tumi first arrived in this timeline(Short)

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Tumi arrived inside of the timeline, and he landed inside a house. The house was bigger then expected. He looked around and saw that it was very colorful. There were beautifully designed carpets and furniture everywhere. He then checked the date and the time of this place and found that it was an hour before taking the entrance exams. But the most important thing was...

"Where are my old clothes? I liked them. My current clothes are just plain white shirts saying "Y.O.L.O." and some weird pants... And why do my eyes look different? Why is it a different color? And why is my hair also a different color? What is this,I...", Tumi kept talking to himself as he looked into the mirror while trying to find anything else that was different with him.

In the end, he accepted the fact that he changed and went along with it even though he didn't know how to feel about it. Or... was it "can't" feel? Yeah, that seemed more legit.

Poor Tumi, he just wanted to stay as how he was. Well, at least this meant that this was the beginning of this story. His short journey that will make him realize things he has never realized before.

A Time God that isn't a God (Time God! Izuku) (COMPLETED!)Where stories live. Discover now