Destroying a part of a bloody event

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Today, a lot of things happened in the class 1-A. Midoriya Izuku felt a little out of place. Today was going to be the event where the USJ attack would happen... right? Yeah, probably. And that was one his most watched parts of almost all the timelines or universes.

But he knew he couldn't fast forward time just to watch the USJ attack. That would just ruin every reason for creating this timeline and living inside of it. Yeah, he couldn't do that. He had no choice but to wait.

Anyways today Aizawa said they were voting for class president. Midoriya got the most votes. Why? He didn't know. He didn't do anything to get the most votes... right? Then Momo as second. He sighed. Why wasn't he surprised? Probably cause he saw too many timelines and universes that involved him getting the most votes on "voting class president day". He wouldn't mind being class president but... he had other important things to do then leading some hero class. Besides, what kind of class president would he be when he disappeared from this timeline? Not that it really mattered... he could just rewrite it but...

So he stood up to announce something. "I want Tenya Iida to be the class President, and you can't say "no" either buddy", Midoriya said smirking. "But-","No buts either, you're perfect for this role", Midoriya interrupted Iida.

'His personalities changing at the right time gives me some chills', Iida thought. 'But...' "If Midoriya-kun wants me to be the class President then I guess I have no choice but to fill in that role and do my best to not disappoint anyone", Iida said.

"You'll make a good class president, Tenya Iida", Midoriya said as he sweetly smiled at him and then went back to his seat.

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Just as Midoriya said it. Tenya Iida was the right person when it comes to leadership. "Good job! Exit Sign!", Krishima said before class started. "Exit sign?", Midoriya asked. "Oh right, you weren't at lunch", Krishima said. And then he told him the "Exit Sign" incident.

After he heard that story... well, he personally thought Iida lived up to the perfect nickname for him....

"Exit sign".

Anyways today the class went to the U.S.J. that day. 'Should I leave this part or should I change it...?', Midoriya thought inside the bus. You see, if he wipes out the villains nobody would get hurt. But...

"No", Midoriya spoke to himself. "What's "No"?", Uraraka asked curiously. "Er... It's nothing Uraraka Ochako, just something on my mind", Midoriya said. Uraraka felt something was suspicious about her friend but didn't push it further since it didn't seem that much important.

'No... destroying a part of a story that had way too much blood and panick is right. Maybe... I DON'T KNOW ANYMORE, just...', Midoriya's head felt like it was about to explode.

"Midoriya-kun you look stressed, are you sure you'll feeling alright?", Iida asked. "Er... yeah... probably", he muttered. Iida wasn't sure about the "fine" part when he heard the "probably" but left it.

Finally they were here, outside the U.S.J. and ready to go rescue training. But Midoriya still couldn't rest his head. Pro hero Thirteen said something about some quirks being able to kill in wrong one move. But Midoroya didn't catch all of that. He didn't need to catch all of that anyway. Midoriya was way too familiar with those stuff after all.

As soon as they stepped into the U.S.J. Midoriya looked over to the fountain. Any moment now, villains would come through it... right? It happened in almost every timeline and universe... right? It would happen... right??? He was still unsure if he should interfere with this event or not... if it happened anyway..

"Stay back!", Aizawa said suddenly shouted out lifting his arm to stop the students from going any further.

Midoriya didn't think twice as he froze the time. And inside of that frozen time he captured the Nomu after he put it in a weakened state. He then put the villains in a position that would attack themselves.

And then... he unfroze time again.

Soon enough the villains attacked themselves and they passed out because Midoriya made sure they attacked themselves in the weakest parts of a humans body. The students and the teachers eyes widened, some even had their mouth open in shock.

Meanwhile Midoriya was in the middle of all the mess and saw Shigaraki Tomura. His eyes were widened the most. Honestly, Midoriya could probably make a tongue twister from hearing that name way to many times from other timelines or universes.

Though, this was probably the first time Midoriya had seen a shocked Shigaraki up so close. "What!? The Nomu was defeated?", Shigaraki said surprised. He made this thing to bring All Might down. But looks like a certain secret little time god defeated it first instead.

"Shigaraki Tomura... you probably wanted to bring down All Might with that "Nomu" right? But... oh well... looks like a plot twist happened", Midoriya said shrugging. This caught Shigaraki off guard. "How do you know my name and my plans?", Shigaraki asked panicking.

"Call me T.U.M.I. and well... get away from this place before I turn YOU into dust", Midoriya said staring intensely at the handy man while ignoring his question. "Don't even try to do anything stupid", he added.

Shigaraki hesitated to leave, but the misty dark purple warp gate guy dragged Handy man away. And well... soon enough Shigaraki escaped with Kurogiri. Or rather, Kurogiri came to the rescue. Then Midoriya looked behind him and saw the other villains still passed out. Midoriya sighed as he realized the consequences of his actions weren't going to turn out very peaceful. But at least he stopped the damn USJ attack... right?

• • •

Many minutes later police cars were everywhere as they captured the villains and the damned Nomu. And right now... well... our secret little time god was currently replying countless questions from a police officer while getting some endless scolding from his homeroom teacher.

'Why me, why always me? I don't understand...', Midoriya thought inside of his head.

"Advanced teleportation huh?", Thirteen said to Aizawa as he came back from scolding the green haired boy. Aizawa just sighed. "He's too reckless", he said. 'You're no better then him', Thirteen thought.

"Interfering with this event was probably not the best idea, it was honestly... a weird experience", Midoriya mumbled as he stomped into the bus after answering all the questions from the police. Seriously though, did that police officer play 100 questions with other people or something?

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"I didn't even blink, then all of a sudden the villains that were all gathered around to fight were in a position of attacking each other and every one of them passed out. The Nomu was captured and right in front of me was a green haired student staring at me with that... that... that BLANK expression. He didn't even give me time to think sensei, not only that he-", Shiragaki's ranting could have kept on going but Sensei stopped him.

"Do not worry, we can make more Nomu's. Although... I can interested in that green haired boy you were talking about in your little... rant", Sensei said through the screen.

"Get his student file, maybe we can find out how to make him come to our side. He sounds like a very interesting student", Sensei said finally. Kurogiri agreed.

And Shigaraki smiled.

A Time God that isn't a God (Time God! Izuku) (COMPLETED!)Where stories live. Discover now