Tumi was captured (Hero's side)

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Momo was one of the injured students. So the whole class visited her. "Midoriya was... captured...", Todoroki said quietly to Momo.

Momo's eyes widened a bit from that. Because well... Midoriya was the last person she expected to get captured by somebody.

"I can't fucking believe this", Bakugo said finally calm for once. Which was actually kind of scary. "Tumi-kun...", Uraraka said sadly. "Isn't there anything we can do!?", Kirishima said looking for answers from everybody.

"Don't tell me you're actually thinking of going to save him, are you?", Tsuyu asked through the silence. "Of course I am!", Kirishima said like it was one of the most obvious things in the world. Todoroki somewhat agreed with Krishima.

Tsuyu hesitated, then kept explaining about how going saving Midoriya would make him a villain more then a hero. Kirishima also hesitated, but he still wanted to go and save Midoriya. Or Tumi...

Whatever he was called he wanted to save the green haired boy. He was his friend and he was also a student like him afterall. And the other students felt almost the same way.

Silence was within the classroom. No, nothing. No, anything. Just silence.

Suddenly one of the nurses came inside of the room saying that visiting hours were over. The whole of class 1-A went outside. But of course... do you REALLY think that EVERY last one of them would just quietly leave?



That'll never happen.

Kirishima Ejiro

Todoroki Shouto

Momo Yaoyorozu

Bakugo Katsuki

These four decided(Bakugo being dragged into it by Krishima) to seek out tonight once Momo was free from the hospital. Iida saw them making a plan from far away and decided to try and stop them.

Oh, he will stop them.

But that doesn't mean he will actially suceed in his role.

A Time God that isn't a God (Time God! Izuku) (COMPLETED!)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora