Tumi reveals the truth

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A day later Midoriya was sitting on his couch while surrounded by all of his entire classmates. They were all inside of his house and eating the cookies Midoriya baked.

Midoriya's "48 hour glitch" was finally over. And he returned to looking like when he was inside of the void. White colored clothes with some simple patterns, eyes being red and yellow, his hair color being a gradation of green, red and yellow.

"Hey idiot, when are you going to tell everyone here?", Bakugo spoke out after munching on the cookie. Now that broke the silence. "Tell you all what Bakugo Katsuki?", Midoriya asked. Bakugo's gaze landed on Midoriya and he glared at him.

"I heard from Tokoyami that when that capturing villain touched you, you started doing... well... glitching. Not only that, after that one day you were sick you started coming to the cafeteria and you seemed to show more... emotions. And whenever you teleport, the timing is too great to be even real. And on the first day I saw you nearly crushing the grip even though your quirk has nothing to do with strengh. And Bakugo told me that on the first day wheb you were muttering something. You almost spoke out "power" instead of "quirk".", Momo spoke out.

"We told everyone this and well...", Momo trailed off. "Nobody here is actually stupid enough to not figure out that you aren't "normal" moron", Bakugo said to Midoriya. Midoriya looked around the room to meet everybody's eyes. They all looked determined to find the answer.

'They probably figured out more things about me then what Momo told me', Midoriya thought. Then he stood up on his couch.

"So you want to know who I truly am?", Midoriya asked to all of them. Everybody nodded. Midoriya lowered his head looking down on the ground. "You all probably won't believe me", he spoke out.

"We'll believe everything you say Midoriya-kun", Iida said doing his hand gestures. Midoriya blinked at him. "Guess that's it huh? Well, not like it matters anyway...", Midoriya said.

"My real name is T.U.M.I.", he started out slowly. Everybody was listening while eating the cookies and drinking warm or cold milk.

"Timeline leaping and
Universe jumping
code name
Izuku", Tumi said.

Some of their eyes widened.

"Timeline leaping?"

"Universe jumping?"

"Code Name!?"

Tumi decided to ignore all of that.

He then started the story of how it all started. Something missing from him, the script appearing and writing it, how it felt to not feel anything, every detail of his body, his now current revealed weakness, the glitches.... everything. He revealed anything  and everything to them. No tricks, no games, no lies. Just a detailed truth.

"And if you ask what I am...... well...... I am a time god who isn't a god", he finished. And when he finished the class was quiet.

"You don't have a quirk, you only have power...", Kaminari muttered quietly. "And you're a time god who isn't a god....", Tokoyami also muttered quietly.

"Does that mean we aren't real?", Ashido almost shouted out while panicking a little. "No, you're all real. However... I was something that was originally going to be thrown away...", he spoke out. His eyes were glowing.

"Thrown away? What do you mean by that Midoriya?", Tsuyu asked. He looked over to Tsuyu.

"I was never going to be created in the first place", he spoke out to Tsuyu. He didn't sad about that fact. Actually, he didn't know what to feel.

"Don't worry, I don't feel sad that I was going to be "thrown away" so nobody needs to worry about that", he said. Someone was to say somethig but- "I found what I was looking for inside my empty heart afterall", he said as tears fell down from him.

'Tears? From Midoriya?', Todoroki thought. He had never seen Midoriya show stronger emotions either then his talking. So this was a surprise for him. For everyone actually.

"I want to make more memories with everyone! Because... even if some of you may hate me I will still think that you're all wonderful people", Tumi finally spoke out still crying.

Suddenly they all heard someone was also crying. "Tumi-kun, even if you disappear one day and nobody will never these events except for you I'll... I'll still remember you inside my heart!", Uraraka shouted standing up.

Midoriya smiled at her. "Even if we never really knew each other that much I agree with Uraraka!", Toru said also standing up.

"Tch", Bakugo said. "Fuck you, you moron, be more careful next time someone decides to sneak up on you", he said joining the two girls.

Suddenly everybody was up and started talking at once.

"Well, you basically saved us many times so you're safe with me!"

"Tumi-kun, thank you for healing my older brother! I am grateful, and I'm sorry that I made you worry about me that day!"

"Hey, even if you disappear you will still remember us right?"

"I think I need to thank you for making me realize something I had once forgotten..."

"Honestly, I loved your first impression! You straight up sabotaged people! By people I meant Aizawa sensei and Bakugo but still!"


"So basically your "teleportation" was coding yourself in areas you want to go to and skip there, that's actually very interesting"

"Hey! Can I hear what we're like in other timelines or universes? I'm actually curious"

"Er, your different flavored cookies were great. Although some of them were a little bit too sweet. I could teach you how to measure the sugar if you want"

"Hey, what music do you enjoy listening to?"

"Midoriya, you're sometimes very scary. Why is that?"

"I think it's because he holds too much power, kero"

"Power intimidation? Urgh..."

Midoriya blinked at them as more and more talking came from the class. He then smiled to himself. He caught everybody's sentences and they were all silly nonsense and more. 

'Their words make me feel like I'm already leaving them', he thought.

A Time God that isn't a God (Time God! Izuku) (COMPLETED!)Where stories live. Discover now