Chapter : 5

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Aashna's pov:

After the college I directly went home still thinking about how to ask permission for the party. It would have been easy if the party was official but as it's an unofficial party I just can't simply convince Mom. I would have even adjusted it some how but the timing! It is killing me. The time for the party was from 8 o'clock till? That I don't know myself??

midnight I guess!

Frankly speaking I was never in support of such type of parties but deep inside I was excited, I badly wanted to attend this party because I knew that it is going to be fun... Too much fun.

Think Aashna think. You have to get the permission or else you are going to miss something very interesting.

I called kriya to ask for her suggestion.

"Hey, what's up?" she said happily and I got the hint that, she got the permission.

Congrats girl congrats!

"Well, your happiness says it all but now help me to get the permission." I said.

"What? You still haven't talked with uncle and aunty? What's wrong with you, I thought that you would have done that already." she said.

"Hey, you stop scolding me and help me out. Here I'm confused on what should I say them?"

"The truth of course!" she said as If it's that's easy to say them the 'Truth'.

"OH, really? Okay, talking about the truth.. What am I supposed to say them? Our Seniors are arranging a UNOFFICIAL fresher's party, which is till midnight and I want to go there!" I said and she started laughing.

"It's not that easy girl. You know Mom, she won't approve it ever once she will come to know that it's an unofficial party. But I damn badly want to go there." I said almost whining.

"Chill. Your mom is so sweet she will understand and moreover you are grown up now. Don't worry I will come to your home tomorrow and together we will convince her. Okay?" She said and I got a ray of hope.

"Yeah okay! And thank-you so much."

"Yeah, enough! And you know what?" She said excitedly.

"What?" Even I got curious to know what it is.

"Ruan sent me a request on Instagram." The happiness in her voice was clearly visible.

"yeah good... I.. I mean great." I said.

"Oh come on, I don't understand why you don't like him, he is so nice person you just have to change your view about him." She said trying to convince me.

Maybe she is right, apart from taunting me there's nothing harm Ruan has done to me. Maybe I should change my view about him.

"Yeah okay! I will try. Now let me sleep. Bye goodnight."


The next day we were having family breakfast when Nisha di switched on the TV and started playing some news channels at random. She was always interested to be a journalist. Mom dad were so busy seeing the news and then discussing about the same where as I was so busy thinking about the way to get the permission. And just than a news caught my attention,

'College students found drunk in their fresher's party'.


I don't know what came over me but I directly went and switched off the television. Relaxed! And then I noticed all eyes staring at me with a confused look.

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