Chapter : 30

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Aashna's pov:

It was the day of Kriya's and Ruan's reception and probably the last day when I will see Aarav. I was getting ready, when Mom knocked my door and informed that Sid is here.

"Ok, just give me five minutes." I said and fixed my hair. Sid was also going to come for the reception, he even wanted to attend the wedding but he was out of town because of some business related stuff. He came back today morning and now he is going to attend the reception.

"You look beautiful today." He said as I went downstairs.

"Thanks. You also look very handsome." I said and he actually blushed. This was something I liked about him a lot. He is a very simple kind of guy.

"If you both are done smiling, you can sit now." Di said and again shyly Sid got settled on the couch beside Dad. He talked with him for some good ten minutes and then finally we left for our destination.

"Is something wrong?" He asked while driving, whereas I didn't replied anything, I just kept looking at him.

"I mean, you look disturbed. Is everything ok?" he asked.

"Yes, of course."

Rest of the time we didn't talked anything. I guess he came to know that I'm not in mood to talk. I felt bad for him but again I was seriously not in mood of doing anything. Will Aarav go abroad and that too I don't even know where he will go? This question was haunting me.

As we reached the destination, the first person I saw was Aarav. He was standing outside the lawn, busy talking on phone. Sid parked the car and then we were about to enter inside when Aarav turned and we came face to face. I swear his face looked like he was about to say something but then his eyes dropped towards my hand his expression changed and it was then I realised that Sid was holding my hand. Why? When did it happened? I remember when we went out of the car we were not holding hands. Did he did it on purpose? I again looked at Aarav but he just went to other direction, whereas I was left with no option than going inside.

Once inside I came to know that, due to some traffic issue, Kriya, Ruan and their families are stuck and will be late. Oh, how unfortunate is getting late on your own reception. Hope they come soon. Anushka saw me and Sid, so she came towards us and made us sit where everyone was settled already. I wasn't expecting them to be friendly with Sid but they were, in fact no one showed any grudges towards him.

They all seemed lost, no one looked happy. They were chatting but it didn't had the spark which they always had. Soon after sometime, Kriya and Ruan arrived and the reception started. Everyone was going and meeting the newly wedded couple and were clicking pictures with them.

"Aarav is calling us outside." Abhimanyu said.

"Everyone of us." He said looking at me. Suddenly I felt my heart getting heavier. I came to know that he has a midnight flight and will leave soon after the reception ends or probably before that. He was not going to meet Kriya and Ruan so soon because it will spoil there mood. He said that he wants to meet us first and then he is having some work, after that he will come to meet the newly weds and will directly go to the Airport.

"I'm not coming, tell him not to go." Divya cried resting her head on the table. From the moment I came here she looked like she was about to cry and now she was doing it. Abhimanyu took her hand and went out. Everyone went away except for me and Sid. How am I supposed to meet him? I can't see him going, God please help me, please tell me what to do, please.

"Aren't you going to meet him?" Sid asked.

"I don't know." I replied and he looked at me strangely.

"You should meet him. We don't know when you guys will see each other again." He said making my heart ache.

"Let's go." he said and took me out.

Aarav's pov:

Man, goodbyes are so difficult!!!

I was standing in front of everyone trying to act strong and calm, but seeing them cry, I don't think I can do it anymore.

"Guys please, you are not going to say me goodbye like this, please." I said but it seemed like they just ignored it.
I went and hugged Divya as she was near me.

"Please don't go." She whispered cried. Man, she was actually crying.

"Don't fake cry, your mascara will get ruined." I teased her and she glared at me.

"Lord knows how much I hate you." She replied.

"You know how much I love you." I replied back.

"Then don't go." She demanded.

"I'm not going forever. I will be back soon." I comforted her. She asked when? But I didn't replied as even I don't the answer to that. I hugged her once again and went to meet Anushka. I was so excited for her baby but I really don't have any idea when I will able to meet the child.

"Please Don't go." She said the moment I was in front of her.

"I will come to meet the baby." I said and she smiled.

"Take care." She said and I nodded. Next to her was Varun, the man behind success of my company. I was so disappointed to hear that he wants to quit and join his family business but somehow I requested him and told him to look after the company at least until Anu takes over it and I was happy that he agreed to it.

"I will miss you a lot man." I said and hugged him.

"I will miss you too. Please come back soon." He replied.

"We are gifted with only one life. I know certain things happen but it's always better to move on and think about what is in front of us. You are surrounded by so many people who truly love and adore you. I hope you will understand that one day and you clearly know what I mean." I said and he nodded. I moved forward and met Misha, who was crying already. Past few days we really had a great bonding with each other. She shared her joys and sorrows with me and I use to do the same. I just hope Varun accepts her as his wife just like he has accepted her as a friend.

"Call me if he ever troubles you." I said to her which made her smile.

"I will miss you so much." She said.

"I will miss you too. Tell Isha that her Aarav uncle loves her a lot." I said went to the person standing next to her, Sanju.

"I have lots of things to tell you but I will start with something I never said to you. Thank you. Thank you for everything." as soon as the words left my mouth, she punched my arm and hugged me instantly.

"You are an idiot Aarav, the most idiotic boy I have ever met."

"I'm allowing you to go only because you said that you will be back soon but trust me, if you don't return soon, the consequences will be very bad." She said threatening me and I surrendered. I looked to her side and saw Abhi standing there. Brother, best friend, childhood buddy, secret keeper, crime partner and what not.

Man, How am I even going to say goodbye to him and Ruan?

Three Chapters more and then the story will end!
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An endless love ✅Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora