Chapter : 47

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Aashna's Pov:

The next morning I got early and directly headed towards the college as I want to complete my notes or else I will have to suffer with lots of problems during the submission.

Yesterday was of so much fun, I really enjoyed watching the circus. It made me remind of my childhood days. I wished Aarav was there too it would have made the fun double but all I could do was seeing his snaps on Snapchat of their lectures. Poor boy!

Last night Rahul texted me that the teacher has also given us some kind of project and told to submit the list of the group today only. I texted everyone to meet me at college but still don't know whether they will be there or not.

Soon I reached college and called Kriya.

"Where are you?” I asked and came to know that she is already inside the classroom and I'm late.

"Okay, I will be there in two minutes.” I said and ended the call.

Aarav was not going to attend the college as last night, he went with his dad for some business related work. He texted me the same and told me to meet him after the college and I already knew it's going to be a tough day without him. I sighed and went towards our classroom and saw Rahul, Kriya, Simran and Yash sitting there. Oh, I'm really late.

"Let's start with our project.” I said and they all rolled their eyes.

"Very funny. Now tell me what you have decided.” I said to them and then we all started discussing about the project. We only discussed about it and decided to do it later as we all were running out of time. The teacher came and started the lectures. As always I was busy paying attention to what teacher was saying and on the other hand Kriya was busy with her phone.

"See, Aarav posted a picture.” She said and I jerked up. I realized the side benchers looking at us.

"Can't you talk quietly?” I scolded her.

"Now, show me the picture.” I said.

"In your dreams.” She said and took the phone away from me.

"Please.” I requested but she ignored it.

" You should have thought about it before scolding me." She said looking blankly at teacher.

"I'm sorry. Now please show me the picture.” I said and she instantly gave me her phone. The picture of him driving the car.

"It's perfectly clicked, right?” Kriya asked.

"Yeah. I guess, his dad clicked it because he is with him.” I said.

"Oh.” Kriya said and smiled maliciously at me. What is she up to?

She typed something and kept her phone down still smiling.

"What did you do?” I asked her but she said nothing. So I directly took her phone and saw the first name in the messages, Aarav! I opened the text and I got confused on what should I do first, should I punch her or should I try to stop the smile which has appeared on my face right now.

"Aashna said that she is very much impressed by the photography skills of her father in law.” her message said.

"I hate you.” I said to her but she gave me a flying kiss in return. I wonder what will Aarav think after reading this message. I was waiting for his reply but I guess he was not online because the message was not delivered yet.

I hope that he sees the message now only, if he will see it when we meet, he is the only one who will tease me. The lecture ended and I again took Kriya's phone to see if there was a reply but there wasn't any. Though this time the message was delivered, it means soon I'm going to get the reply.

The next teacher came and started the lecture but my concentration was on her phone and then finally her phone beeped, I snatched it from her before she could see it and as expected the message was from Aarav. I opened it saw a blushing emoji. I wonder if his face showed the face reaction. I handed the phone to Kriya and opened my books but was hardly able to pay any attention. I wish time flows really very fast so that I will be able to meet him. I'm missing him so much. But there was one more lecture after this and all I could do was wait!

Even Kriya was not interested to bunk the lecture and I don't know the reason behind it. She is the only one in our group who is always ready to bunk lectures but today it seems like she actually want to attend every single lecture. I waited, waited and waited and finally the lecture came to an end.

"Finally.” Kriya announced and collected her things kept on desk.

"Let's go, Ruan and Aarav are waiting for us.” She said and dragged me outside the classroom. Whereas I just kept on wondering when did he came? And why didn't he called me. I took my phone and came to know that it was switched off. What the hell!

I went out of the college and saw him sitting on his bike, busy doing something in his phone.

"He might be texting his another girlfriend.” Kriya said and within no seconds jealousy took over me.

"Shut up.” I said and went near his bike. He kept his phone the moment he saw me and a wide smile appeared on his face. He came down from the bike and came towards me.

"why is your phone switched off?” Was the first question.

"I don't know.” I replied simply. we met after all most one full day and I was hoping to hear something sweet from him, like I miss you, but no, Aarav being Aarav will never do something like that.

"I was worried. Anyway, I missed you so much.” he said and my little anger and disappointment which I felt a few seconds ago disappeared.

"I missed you too.” I replied. Kriya and Ruan bid their goodbyes and went away.

"Want to go somewhere?” He asked when we were alone and I wanted to but he was tired and I don't want him to get more tired now.

"You are tired, you should rest.” I said but he denied it.

"I'm not tired.” He protested.

"Okay, we will go to Ice-cream parlour and then you will go back to home and rest.” I ordered.

"Done.” He replied and then started driving towards the Ice-cream parlour.

We both went inside and ordered our Ice-creams. He was telling me about the place he visited and the people he met there.

"Anyway, leave that topic aside, I have something important to tell you.” He said and I kept my ice cream aside and started looking at him to continue.

He smiled a little and then continued,

"You can continue eating it." He said feed me a full one spoon of my chocolate Ice-cream. Frankly speaking, I love when he does such sweet gestures, makes me fall more for him.

"It's your birthday after one week and... "He paused for a second and then continued again.

"You are coming with me for two days.” He said and I gasped.

" Two days?” I asked to confirm whether I heard it right or not.

"Yeah." He replied so simply as if he thinks it's that easy for me to ask permission from my parents for a two days vacation.

"I hope you will understand me, but I can't do that. My parents won't allow me." I said.

"Please Aashna. Please.” He pleaded.

"Please say yes.” He pleaded again. I can't give him false hopes but on the other hand I can't even say no to him.

"I will try, Try, okay?"

"Okay.” He replied.

After finishing our ice cream I ordered him to go back to his home but he insisted that he will drop me first. I had no power to fight with him so I gave up and allowed him to drop me. Soon the bike reached outside my home and I quickly went out of it.

"Bye.” I said to him and he did the same. I also knew that the only question which will keep occupied my mind is, Permission and how I'm supposed to take it.

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