Chapter : 36

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Aashna's Pov:

Did I actually hugged him? Wait wait... I am still hugging him. Oh god, what will he think of me now? Okay, I agree I was so happy that our college won but when and how did I hugged him. Stupid Aashna!

Quickly I took a step backward breaking the hug.

"Congrats.” I said..

"Thank you so much.” He replied. And the next thing I know was bunch of girls attacking him. I'm jealous again. Please someone stop this!

"Bro, if you are done, will your sister get a minute of yours?” Aananya said. Thank god she is here, she will definitely take him away from those clingy girls!

"Sure.” he said and hugged her.

"Congratulations.” She screamed in his ear. They both are so funny!

I looked around and saw Ruan, so I went to congratulate him.

"Congratulations.” I said from behind and He turned around giving me a shocked look but composed himself in two seconds.

"Thanks. And also thanks for coming otherwise we would have literally lost it." He said. Lost it? How? I was about to ask him the same but Kriya pulled me towards her.

"When did you came and why?” She asked narrowing her eyes at me.

"Why aren't you happy to see me here?” I asked her back.

"I don't know about myself but someone else is really very happy.” She said and again my mind drifted to the question, who is happy? Aarav?

After that the trophies were distributed to the players and our college retained the champions trophy was really a very proud moment for us. I saw the players clicking lots of photos with the trophy and coach and with everyone, they all looked so much happy. Kriya was coming home with me So I decided to wait for her in the parking until she finishes saying bye to her boyfriend.

"Hi, how are you?” Aananya asked coming towards me.

"I'm fine. How are you?” I asked.

"I'm? I'm too much happy.” She said excitedly.

"What are you doing here?” I asked.

"Oh, actually I'm searching my stupid brother's bike. He said he parked near uncle's car but I'm not able to find it." She said. Uncle? Which uncle?

"I mean your principal.” She answered to my question without letting me ask it. Why she referred principal as uncle?

Before I could ask her anything, her phone ranged and she excused her self. In the meanwhile Kriya came and I went home with her.

In the evening she went back to her home and I was left alone. So I took my phone and started surfing my Instagram. And there, every story or pic I saw belonged to today's match. I guess everyone has posted today's pictures. I sighed and kept my phone down only after seeing all the pictures.

I was bored so I decided to go and help my mom in some housework.

"What do you want?” Mom asked when I lifted a plate to clean it.

"What?” I asked as I didn't get what she was speaking. I recalled her sentence again and came to know that she thought that I'm doing this work because I want something.

"Mom, it's nothing like you think.” I said and started my work. After I was done I went to watch TV but there was also nothing interesting to see, so I switched it off and went back to my room.

I took my phone and saw Aarav's message in it. I always regret keeping my phone in my room.

"Hi.” I texted him back.

"Thanks for coming today.” he replied instantly. I was not knowing what should I reply so I replied him by sending a smile emoji.

"How are feeling now?” He asked and a feeling of guilt took over me for lying.

"Fine.” I replied. We had a small talk after that but ended our conversation.

"Bye, take care.” Was his last reply. Why is he hell bent on making me guilty? I lied to him that I was sick actually I was hurt to see him with Priya and hence I was avoiding it. I also decided that I will not go to watch the match so I said to Kriya that I'm still sick and I won't be able to come. But then Aarav texted me and I was not able to control myself. So I went to see the match.

But now that I'm feeling his total concern about my sickness, I regret everything. Should I tell him the truth? No I don't think so. I plugged my earphones and drifted into deep sleep.

The next day I got and went to the college. When I reached there I came to know that the principal has called us for an announcement. So I directly went to the announcement hall with my friends. To my surprise, Aarav and his friends were already sitting there. Punctual today, great.

I went and got settled on one of the seat and soon the principal came and started the announcement. Firstly he congratulated the football team and then started the main announcement which was regarding our industrial visit.

Every one cheered hearing about the visit. The principal said that he will announce the name of the place in the end but before that he has to make one more announcement. I literally thought that it would be something good but no! He announced about our exam schedule which was going to take place before the visit. I looked around and saw everyone's sad face.

He then announced that the visit is for complete one week and place of visit is Manali. Everyone looked so excited and started talking about it and that made very difficult for the principal to handle the students.

"Okay students, calm down.” The principal said and everyone kept quite.

"So give your name to your class teacher in these week so we will focus on further arrangements and I hope to see a positive response from you all.” He said and everyone chanted with a big yes.

"Okay, till then all the best for your exams.” He said and went out of the hall.

"You are going to come, right?” Karan asked and I nodded happily. I have hardly travelled to different places and now that I'm going to get a chance to travel Manali, one of the place I always wanted to go, then how can I miss this opportunity. I will definitely go!

"I'm so excited.” Kriya said happily.

"I hope Ruan don't comes with us.” Karan commented and she kicked him.

"Shut up. He will definitely come.” She announced and took me with her to the classroom.

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