Chapter : 7

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Aashna's pov:

Finally it was the day for the party and I was super excited. But I hate the fact that we had lectures in the morning. I was not in mood to attend them but I had no other option. I met my group, which included Me, Kriya, Karan, Ashish and lastly our lovebirds, Simran and Yash.

"You both can never be on time, come fast the bell rang already” Yash said the moment me and Kriya met them.
Hurriedly we went to our class, luckily teacher was not there, we went inside and got settled on our seats. I noticed everyone talking about the party. All are super excited like me.

"Ruan is not in the college.” Kriya said sadly.

"Come on, he might be busy in preparation and moreover you will see him in the party, So chill.” I said assuring her but still it had no effect on her. She was still whining like a small baby.

"Yeah, even you will be able to see your mystery boy today.” Simran commented and everyone laughed.

"Shut up.” was my only reaction to it as mind literally shifted on that 'mystery boy'. I didn't say them about it but even I was secretly excited to see him.

Whatever, I said to myself and started discussing about the time and place where we all will meet today. After lots of arguments it was decided that we will meet at 7 near Kriya's house.

After the college we went to our home. I took my beauty sleep and it was 4 in the evening when I went to Kriya's home. She said that she will help me with my makeup and hair and I happily agreed to it as I don't have much idea regarding it. In fact I don't even know the names of half of makeup products and it's uses.

I reached her home and met everyone there except Kriya. When I asked her mom I came to know that she is in her room, doing something with her face. Doing what? I went to her room and found her resting her head in the headboard. I went closer to her and saw what she has done to her face. Face mask!

"I guess someone want to look prettiest today.” I said and she jerked up.

"You scared me." She snapped at me but that only made me laugh.

"Well sorry, I didn't mean to do it.  But what's this all.” I said touching her cheek.

"huh.. Not everyone is fair like you, some people have to do things like this.” She said. The only thing I hate about her is when she talks something nonsense like this. She was actually fair and look really pretty but she always deny it.

"Don't say that, even you are fair but you just don't accept it."

"Whatever.” she said and again rested her head on headboard. And I sat on the couch reading magazine. But she not let me read that because she kept on talking about Ruan. I was indeed happy for her, Ruan is a nice guy and I have accepted it.

After she was done with her mask and other things, she came to me asked how she looked.

"You look beautiful even without this.” I said pointing towards the face mask kit.

"Not everyone understands that.” She said and went to her balcony and I came to know the reason behind her sadness.

"Did you saw him?” I asked following her to the balcony.

"He texted me." She replied without looking at me.

"You don't have to be sad. It's over. You are strong girl now.” I said assuring her. God, why this ex-boyfriends can't let a girl live happily? Why they have to poke their nose when everything is getting normal? This is the situation of almost every friend of mine and now Kriya was also the victim of same.

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