John Shelby - Long Gone

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* For the sake of this imagine you are John's only child*

Being the daughter of John Shelby wasn't easy. You were a happy little child, and a very beautiful girl. You had your mother's looks and you soon grew into them. Growing up, you and John were the best of friends,he'd take you everywhere with him, if it wasn't dangerous of course.  With the use of your puppy dog eyes you even managed to get him to play dollies with you which his brothers mocked him for constantly,but he didn't care because he was making his little girl happy. You would toddle around the Garrison wearing his hat and helping Harry serve drinks to people,One of the boys always kept an eye on you though.

You always managed to put a smile on everyone's faces, including Tommy's. You'd toddle over to him wearing your dads hat and a toothpick in your mouth that you had swiped from somewhere and stare up at him with your emerald eyes "Wook Uncle Tom, I'm in the peaky bwinders just wike you and daddy" you were unable to pronounce your "l"s which made it even harder for Tommy to hold back his smile.

As you got older though, you started to get ignored. He hardly paid any attention to you and when he did it was to scold you for something. Your mother would tell you that he was just stressed about business or something. He started to pay attention to you again after your mother died but that was only for a short while and after a week or two it was back to how it was before.

You were now 14 and having to fend for yourself, having no mother and practically no father. He was always off out with his new wife Esme. She didn't like you much, she said you were bratty and spoilt and didn't deserve someone like John as a father. You just laughed at her and ignored her.

You would speak to Tommy about the way he was with you and even tommy noticed his attitude around you.  He tried to speak some sense into John but it didn't seem to work.

It had been almost 3 weeks since you had last seen your dad and you didn't know where he was or what he was doing but it didn't seem like he cared much. You sighed and got up, deciding to go to the Garrison to see if any of your uncles were there.  Of course Arthur was there, that place was practically his second home.

You sat down beside your uncle and ordered a whisky, Arthur was already drunk but you enjoyed his company anyway. "Hey Arthur, you seen me dad around? Ain't seen 'Im in almost a month" Arthur downed another drink and looked at you "he's with Esme, she's 'avin a kid, said they wanted start a proper little family"

Your heart broke inside your chest but you ignored the pain "thought I was his family?"  Downing another two drinks and almost falling off his chair Arthur spoke again " nah kidda, he didn't even want you when you were born. Took me and poll to persuade him to actually be a dad" Your pursed your lips and nodded saying a quick thank you to Arthur you ran home to say your final goodbye to Polly and Finn.

You were leaving. Of course you spoke to Tommy about it and he had bought you a house somewhere they wouldn't be able to find you, he would send you money every week for food and clothes and whatever you needed because you couldn't get a job or anything at 14.  Only tommy would know where you were. Nobody else. So you left a letter with Tommy to give to your dad, grabbed your bags and left.

John had stumbled into the Garrison already half drunk to be met with a stern look from his older brother. Tommy didn't say anything and handed him the letter like you had instructed.

To Dad,
I don't even know how to start this. I guess I'm sorry, I don't know what I did to have you hate me or ignore me. We used to be bestfriends, you remember that? Probably not. I know mum dying was hard for you but it was hard for me too, I lost my father as well as my mother. I needed you dad and you weren't fucking there! Where were you dad? Anyway I wrote you this letter because I actually have the courtesy to tell that I'm leaving,unlike you. By the time you have received this letter I would have gone,far away. You can now start a proper little family, you never wanted me dad. I know you didn't, Arthur speaks a lot when he's drunk. I love you so much even if you don't return the love. Goodbye Daddy x

Reading your words instantly sobered him up, he dropped the letter on the floor and ran back to the house where he once left you. He searched the whole place and after not finding you he ran out and searched for you everywhere. No sign of you.

He started to scream your name as loud as he could hoping and praying that you would answer or come running into his arms. But you never did, for you were long gone.

~~~~~2K READS HOLY SHIT! Thank you all so much! I'm not sure what I think of this one but leave your comments and let me know

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2K READS HOLY SHIT! Thank you all so much!
I'm not sure what I think of this one but leave your comments and let me know. Thanks!✨🌹

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