John Shelby - I Promise You (part 2)

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It had been a few weeks since Katie came to you crying about her mother and since then your head was full of thoughts of your late bestfriend and how you wished you had a family just like she did.

It was 7 in the morning and you were currently trying to get John's twin boys ready for their first day of school. They were 6 years old a big bundle of energy. You promised John that you would get them ready and take them, you didn't mind because you loved all of his kids like they were your own. You often wished they were yours but then felt selfish,you wished that John loved you like he loved Martha but he never would.

Noah and Archie were exactly like John when he was younger, you often teased John about it but he'd just smile and shrug it off. When John wasn't working he would sit on the doorstep of the house and watched as you played ball with the boys, he often felt bad that they had never met their mother but it was all forgotten when you sent him a small smile and a wave and then he realised that they were lucky to have you and so was he.

It was almost time for you to leave with the boys,Katie had already left to meet up with her friends after giving her little brothers a huge hug and ruffled their hair. The boys ran out after their sister and played in the street until you came out to them.

"I wish you could see them Martha, they look so grown up" you sighed picked up their hats and bags and rushed out the door, both of them instantly running over to you. They grinned up at you as you threw their hats on their heads, they pulled them on and grasped hold of your hand proceeding to skip down the street.

It didn't take you Long before you reached the school,you could see all the other children hugging their parents and running in. Archie looked up at you with a sad look on his face.

"Y/N I don't want to go"

"Yeah me neither" Noah agreed with his brother "can't we stay with you and daddy"

You sighed and shook your head "you were fine before, what's wrong?"

Noah lowered his head and his voice was barely audible "What if they don't like us? We 'eard that cus we're Shelby's they won't like us"

Your expression saddened and you knelt down in front of the two boys, taking hold of their shoulders you made them both look at you.

"They are going to love you, I promise. You are the best little boys in the whole entire world and you are going to make so many new friends and if anybody and I mean anybody tells you any different then you come and tell me and I'll sort it" you faked an angry expression and the boys giggled at you. You always loved that sound and a soft smile appeared on your face.

"Now go. Go and show everybody the best little boys in town"

Noah flung his arms around your neck and Archie flung his arms around your shoulders,both of them mumbling a thank you.

"Bye Mum, we love you!" They shouted as they ran off.

Your jaw dropped as your mind processed the words that had just flew out of their mouth.

Mum. They called you mum.

A smile appeared on your face momentarily as you stood up, turning back around to go home. The smile disappeared from your face when you remembered that you weren't their mum, Martha was. You sighed and studied the floor for a few seconds when a voice broke you out of your trance.

"They called you Mum,eh?" John stood leaning against the school fence, toothpick lazily in his mouth and his cap slumped over his face. A smirk filling his face.

"Sorry I uh didn't get chance to correct them" you stuttered and hoped John wouldn't be mad.

He smiled and pushed himself up off of the fence. "Guess they read my mind huh?"

You looked at him with a confused look on your face which he avoided. "You didn't think I'd miss their first day did you?" The space between you and John was almost non existent.

"No of course not" you smiled lightly

"Anyway about the whole "mum" thing, I think we should make it official, don't you?" You raised your eyebrow and scratched the side of your head.

"Y/N, will you marry me?"

"Y/N, will you marry me?"

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