Finn Shelby - We Were Just Kids

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You had moved away from Small Heath a few years ago,you kept getting in with the wrong crowds and you needed a fresh start. No matter where you went or what you did,there was always something on your mind. Someone rather than something. Finn Shelby. You and Finn had grown up together and were as thick as thieves,one was never seen without the other and if one was in a fight then you could bet that the other one wouldn't be far behind. It was because of Finn that you were sat on a train heading back to Small Heath.
The bell had rang,signalling the end of the school day and the start of the weekend. You and Finn rarely showed up too school but you made an appearance every now and then. You strolled out of the gate,cigarette in hand and your bag slung on your back, to see your bestfriend waiting for you with a toothy grin on his face.

"Alright Shelby?" You called out to the boy who ran up to you.

"Alright Roman?" You rolled your eyes at the nickname you were given when you were five and first moved to Small Heath. You were part Romanian but little Finn struggled to say the word and could only get to Roman which then stuck as a nickname.

"You comin' over? Tom's got somethin' he wants to tell us" his words stopped you in your tracks. This was the moment that you had been avoiding for a while. You were leaving.

"Uh,actually Finn, I uh,I can't today" You stuttered out,the smile slipping from your face. Finn's smile only grew.

"Well come over tomorrow then,yeah?"  You sighed and pulled your bag further over your shoulder.

"I'm leaving Finn,my train leaves in 20 minutes" you refused to look the young boy in his eyes.

"Wh...what? Why?" You finally managed to look up and saw that his eyes held so much emotion and the toothy grin was nowhere to be found.

"Te iubesc" you muttered for the last time and left the Shelby boy to piece everything together

You sighed as the train pulled into the station. Te iubesc. The words you would always say to him yet he never knew what they meant. See,somewhere along the line you had fallen for your bestfriend but you knew that he would see as nothing more than a sister and it stung you everytime you thought about it. He'd always ask you what it means but you always refused to tell him. It was the only way you could confess your feelings without him actually knowing.

You breathed in the smoke and pollution of your hometown,Butterflies erupted in your stomach and you didn't know if it was because you were excited to be home or excited that you were going to see Finn. 

You quickly made your way down the familiar streets and towards your old home to drop off your bags and say hello to your brother. You had a quick catch up with him before setting out to find your bestfriend. At first you were super excited and couldn't wait to find him but as you got closer to the Shelby household your heart slowed and you could barely breathe. You didn't know how Finn was going to react, after all, you did leave him with no explanation. Without your brain even thinking it,your feet headed in the direction of the river.

The river was your happy place,you'd always go there whenever things would go wrong at home or you and Finn argued. You eventually told Finn about it after he freaked out because he wasn't able to find you. The river cane into sight but you stopped when you saw somebody stood at the river,throwing rocks in. You sighed and carried on,not paying any attention to the man who was now watching you as you sat down.

"You okay,Miss?" The man asked,seeing that something was troubling you.

"Yes. No. I don't know. I need to find my bestfriend except I don't know if he is still my bestfriend. I left him but I don't know if he hates me" you breathed deeply trying to regain your breath. The man chuckled and knelt down beside you,placing his hand on your shoulder causing your head to snap up. Your eyes met with his and immediately they went wide,his mimicking yours.



You stared at him in disbelief trying to form a coherent sentence but your mind was blank. Finn tugged at your hand and pulled you into your feet,pulling you into a bear hug. The hug lasted for at least 15 seconds and you seemed to meet into his arms. Finn pulled away first and there was a small smile on his face.

You sighed and sat down,your legs dangling over the edge of the side,Finn sat next to you and you could feel the heat radiating from him.

"I don't hate you. I could never hate you" Finn broke the silence,you turned to face him and watched as he studied the rocks he threw into the river.

"I'm sorry I left Finn,I just needed to get myself straight" Finn nodded and gave you a half smile,flinging his arm around your shoulders. You rested your head on his shoulder and smiled.

"Did you mean it? Te iubesc? It means I love you,right?" Your heartbeat quickened and you could feel your face heat up.

"I uh yeah...I did" you stuttered and even though Finn couldn't see your face you did your best to hide it.

"It's okay Y/N,we were just kids. It was just kid stuff" he squeezed your shoulders and you swore that you heard your heart break.

"Yeah,just kid stuff" you muttered

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