Charlie Shelby - Little Crush? Little Love?

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*REQUESTED by Nicolelovesya01 *
(Charlie will be in his teens - about 16/17)

Charlie Shelby woke with his head throbbing,the sunlight creeping through the slightly parted curtains only made it worse. Moaning as he sat up,he finally started to be aware of his surroundings. He wasn't in his room. He wasn't even in his house. Where the hell was he?

He stood up and rubbed his head. How much did he drink last night? His dad was going to kill him. He found his way to the bathroom and freshened himself up,combing his hair and making sure he was dressed properly. He was taking in his appearance when a soft,angelic voice drifted through his ears.

"Heaven and heaven alone,Can take your love from me 'Cause I'd be a fool To ever leave you dear And a fool I'd never be"

Charlie descended down the staircase towards the voice. He stopped in the doorway of the kitchen to see you swaying and singing along to a song he'd never heard before whilst cooking something that smelled delicious.

He watched as you did a slow spin but came to an abrupt stop when you saw him standing there.

"Oh,you're up. Just in time for breakfast" a smile spread across your face as you started to put the food out on plates.

Charlie's eyes widened. It was you. The girl he was hopelessly in love with but never had the courage to speak too. He'd seen you around school and every time he did,his day instantly got better. Your smile always made him smile and your laugh warmed his heart.

"We uh,we didn't..." Charlie gestured his hand towards himself and then to you. You shook your head and laughed.

"No we didn't do anything,you were drunk and stumbling around the streets and I felt sorry for you so I brought you here. I figured your dad would be pretty pissed if you went home in the state you were in" he nodded and smiled at you,sitting down at the table,rubbing his head.

"How's the head,Shelby?" He groaned in response which elicited a small smile from you. You set a glass of water and a few pills in front of him which he gladly accepted.

"What were you singing anyway? It sounded beautiful"

You blushed and look down "Oh,you heard that? It was Uhm Paul Anka - You are my destiny" Charlie smiled at the embarrassed girl in front of him,taking in her sleepy state as she whirled back around to finish putting food on the plates.

After a few minutes of him trying to keep his eyes open and you humming along to another song,you set down a plate of food in front of the hungover Shelby.

"Happy food for a grumpy boy" you smiled and rocked on your heels as Charlie admired your handy work. 2 runny eggs at the top of the plate,bacon spread out at the bottom of the plate,making a curved shape with toast on the side.

"My food is smiling at me?" He let out a little chuckle but thanked you and tucked into the delicious food in front of him.

"Y'know your uncle is pretty cute" the silence was broken by your thoughts. Charlie groaned and looked over at you.

"Are you on about John?" He watched as you nodded at him eagerly "but he's old and ugh" you laughed at Charlie's reaction,his nose was scrunched up and his eyes were squinted,egg yolk dripping down his chin.

"C'mon,I told your dad that you'd be back early and yes I spoke to your dad and no I didn't die" you hurried Charlie up off his seat as he scrambled the last bits of food into his mouth. You ushered him to the door and watched as he straightened out his school tie,rolling his eyes when he finally realised that he never went home to change.

Charlie gave you a hug goodbye but as he pulled away,you pulled him back. "Between you and me,you're the better looking Shelby" you watched as a cocky smirk spread across his face as he pulled away and sauntered down the street.

"See you later ,Shelby!" You shouted after the blonde boy,laughing as he spun around on his heels blowing a very over dramatic kiss.

"See you later,Mariano!"

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