All Shelby's - Death Sentence

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*requested by @WDWhore*
*i made him a little older than 2 or 3,he's about 5/6*

*requested by @WDWhore**i made him a little older than 2 or 3,he's about 5/6*

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The sound of your little boy's sobs and screams rang through your ears as the coppers dragged you out of the house. You could see every single tear that fell down Sam's face as he kicked at the coppers to try and release you and with every single tear that fell,your heart broke a little more.

You didn't know how long you had been in your cell. Days? Weeks? There was no source of light to let you know if it was day or night. You had no idea where your brother's or Michael were. You could faintly hear the sound of John's shouts as he kicked at the bars of his cell. You knew it was the death sentence and you were terrified. Part of your fear was dying but the main part was Samuel. What was going to happen to your little boy once you were gone? His dad took off and wanted nothing to do with him or you,Tommy had Charlie to look after. He was going to be all alone and for that,you would never forgive yourself.

You still remembered when your eyes met with his for the very first time. His eyes,the brightest blue,putting Tommy's to shame,stared up at you with such wonder and amazement. His little hand gripped onto your finger as he fell asleep. You felt the tears well up in your eyes because at that moment,you had fallen in love and you knew you would do anything,absolutely anything to keep that little boy safe.

You didn't realise you were crying until you heard your name being shouted. Your head snapped up as a guard stormed into your cell and grabbed you by the arm,dragging you out  and down a corridor. You saw Polly along the way,she was crying and dragging her feet.

"Polly! Polly!" You shouted,tears streaming down your face. She reached her hand out to reach you but was violently tugged away.

You were both shoved into a small dark room with only a glimmer of light. Two nooses stood tall,towering over you both. You stopped in your tracks and your heart jumped into your throat.

"No" you whispered,attempting to walk backwards but arms pushed you forward and towards your death.

"No! I have a little boy! Please! My son needs me!" You sobbed and screamed and kicked but they didn't care,they just tightened their grip and shoved you forward.

The noose hung around your neck,your whole body going limp. You felt a clammy hand squeeze yours,gripping it tightly,you refused to look your aunt in the eyes. You couldn't see her broken,just like you were.

You heard them counting down towards your death and you felt the tears returning as it got closer to one. Your eyes clamped shut and you breath was heavy and fast. This was it.

"Mummy loves you,Sammy" you whispered towards the ceiling,hoping that somehow he would hear it even though you knew it was impossible.

"STOP!" A voice shouted,followed by the slam of a door. Your eyes shot open,a small man was stood with the guards with a letter in his hand. A copper gave a nod and you and Polly were quickly released from the noose. You both glanced around in shock before quickly embracing each other,crying into the other's shoulder.

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