John Shelby - I Promise You

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"Y/N?" A quiet voice squeaked out. You lifted your head from out of your book and saw Johns eldest daughter, Katie, stood in the doorway. You could tell by her face that something was bothering her, she had already been crying,the tear stains and red eyes giving it away.

You smiled at her and waved for her to come into the room. She shuffled over to the chair next to you and dropped her head.

"What's wrong hun?"

Katie immediately burst out into tears "I miss my mother" she managed to get out in between sobs. Your expression dropped and almost instantly, Katie was on your lap and sobbing into your shoulder.

"Oh my sweet girl" you whispered to her, stroking her hair in an attempt to calm her down. When her sobs died down a little bit, you made her stand up and face you. You took her hands in yours and watched as silent tears fell down her face.

"I know what it's like, trust me. My mother died when I was little as well except your mother loved you so so much and she still does. I promise you. She would be so proud at the beautiful, kindhearted, young woman that you are turning into."

A tear slipped down your cheek as you remembered your late bestfriend. You promised her that no matter what happened to her that you would always be their for her children and right now, you couldn't believe how much alike Katie was to her mother.

"And I know for a fact that your daddy loves you so so much and is so so proud of you, even if he doesn't show it and I know I'm nothing compared to your mother but I can promise you that no matter what I'll always love you and be here for you and I'll love you just as much as your mother did."

Katie wipes away her tears and threw her arms around your neck, pulling you in for a hug. She sniffles and buried her head into your shoulder.

"I love you Y/N, thank you. Dad's lucky to have you"she pulled back and wiped here tears once more before giving you a smile and retreating to her bedroom.

You stood up to put your book away, no longer wanting to finish it. Instead, you were met with the face of John Shelby, toothpick in his mouth and a sad look in his eyes.

"Oh hi John"

John didn't say anything and engulfed you in a hug, he pulled back and let his hand rest on your cheek. He wiped away your tears with the pad of his thumb and gave you a small smile.

"Thank you" He whispered

You nodded at the Shelby and you both stared into each other's eyes for a few seconds before you broke out of your trance and moved away.

"Uhm I've gotta go help Polly but I'll see you later?" John nodded with a smile on his face and watched as you left the room.

Little did you know that John had fallen in love with his bestfriend and hearing what you had just said to his daughter made him fall even more. But, little did he know, you felt the exact same way.

 But, little did he know, you felt the exact same way

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