Arthur Shelby - The Father That Used To Be

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The days always seemed to end the same. All day you would try and beg your father to do something with you or even have a conversation with you but it never worked,you'd go down to the Garrison,sneak a few shots of whiskey and end up back at home,crying in your bed.

Ever since Arthur had come back from war he had changed but you had gotten used to it and were able to help him but ever since your uncle John had died,there was no helping him. You knew that your father and Uncle John were close,despite the age difference and you knew that his death had a huge effect on your father but he had changed. He had become the person that you never wanted him to be.

Once upon a time,you and your father were the best of friends. You went everywhere with him and was rarely out of his sight. He'd play with you all the time and there wasn't a day that went by without him telling you he loved you. He'd tuck you in at night and read you stories of castles and dragons and then he'd sit with you until you fell asleep. You wished you could go back to those times.

Arthur rarely spoke to you anymore,he never told you that he loved you. He would spend his days drinking in the Garrison and hooking up with random women that he found and when you did try and speak to him he'd tell you to "fuck off".

It was 2am and you were sat in bed,crying. You missed your dad,a lot. You missed your uncle John,a lot. Just because you were 17,didn't mean that you didn't need your father. You needed him just as much now as you did when you were 7,maybe even more.

You heard the front door slam shut, you wiped away your tears as you jumped up and ran out into the living room to see your father stumbling in,holding a bottle of whiskey.

"Not again,Dad" you sighed and walked towards the intoxicated man only for him to throw the bottle of whiskey at the wall behind you causing it to shatter and a shard of glass to fly into your cheek. You winced in pain as you pulled out the shard of glass and felt the blood trickle down your cheek.

"Stay away from me,bitch" you could feel your stomach drop,you were used to the names he used but It still hurt. He used to call you his little bumble bee because you loved them and wanted to be one when you grew up.

"Dad" you sighed and attempted to walk closer to him only for him to stumble forward and backhand you across the face. Your cheek throbbed and you knew there was going to be a bruise. Tears pooled in your eyes as you stared at the now blurry figure of the man that used to be your father.

"You told me you'd always be there for me. You said that you'd never do anything to hurt me." A tear slipped down your cheek as Arthur stumbled towards a chair in the middle of the room.

"Where were you when I needed you?" You wiped away some of the dripping blood and stared at the red on your thumb. "Where the fuck were you dad?" You shouted,causing Arthur to give you his attention. "When I was in my room crying,needing to be hugged and comforted, did you know that it was your fault? You had caused the tears. What happened to protecting me dad? You can't protect me from yourself"

Arthur had began to sober up and noticed your broken form for the first time. He had messed up big time. "Bee..." he started but was quickly cut off.

"No. You don't get to call me that anymore. I know that uncle John dying hurt you but when he died I lost and uncle and a father. I needed you dad and you weren't there!" A few more tears slipped,the salt in them causing your cut to sting violently. Your hand cautiously stroked the cheek that your father had slapped.

"You hit me" you whispered,no emotion was shown apart from the tears that rolled down your face. "You're not my father anymore. Every night I would dream for the father that I used to have but he's long gone. And so am I." The last sentence held so much venom and hatred but also heartbreak.

You stormed out of the room that night and never looked back. He wasn't your father anymore,your father wouldn't dare hit you. Your father was gone and you knew he was never going to come back.

Woah 2 updates in a day! Hope you like this one!

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