All Shelbys - We Got You

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*REQUESTED by @iiQueenBii *

"They're gonna hate me. They're gonna kick me out. They're not gonna speak to me ever again. I'll be homeless. How am I supposed to do this on my own? I'm only 15. Shit. How could I be so stupid." These thoughts had been spinning around your head on a loop,ever since you found out a few days ago. You were only 15 and you were pregnant. To make matters worse,you were the youngest of the Shelby family. The boy that had impregnated you had left as soon as you told him. He said he didn't want to be a father and that you and him were just a one night thing. You were heartbroken of course but you're a Shelby so you learned to suck it up and get over it.

You had been pacing around for at least half an hour,trying to figure out how you were going to tell the boys. Polly already knew,at first she was pissed but she knew that you needed someone on your side.

"Y/N, will you sit down? You're making me dizzy" Polly lit her cigarette as she watched to you walk towards her with a defeated look.

"They're gonna hate me,Pol but I can't get rid of It" Your head dropped into your hands as you took a seat next to her.

"Damn right you aren't,I wouldn't let you. The boys will be more pissed off at the fact that your "boyfriend" isn't stepping up and being a man" she took a drag of her cigarette and watched as you absentmindedly rubbed your stomach.

"Aunt Pol,where you at?" You heard the loud voice of Arthur break the silence and a barrel of footsteps making their way towards you.

"Y'Alright girls?" Tommy gave a small smile when he saw you both.

"I'm pregnant" you blurted out. It was like you had no control over your words. It was silent for all of 5 seconds before John and Arthur started going crazy and screaming.

"You're fucking what? Who the fuck did this? I swear I'm going to fuckin kill him" they were both shouting. Your head dropped again and Polly placed her Hand on your back and tried to comfort you while telling the boys to shut up.

"The boy,he Uhm left" you spoke quietly while keeping your gaze fixed to the floor.

"He did what?" Arthur shouted and pulled his peaky hat on to his head,ready to leave the house again to find the boy who knocked up his little sister. The whole time,Tommy never said a word. To you,whatever Tommy said mattered the most. Ever since you were little it was impossible to get you away from his side for more than five seconds.

"Tommy?" You sighed as he refused to look at you "Tom,please say something. I think I..." Tommy cut you off before you could finish.

"I think....that's what I do. I think so that you don't have too and I think that you should stop worrying. I'm not angry at you, I'm disappointed but you're still our sister and we are going to be here to support you. That's what big brothers are for"he gave you a half smile which eased your nerves ,you nodded and ran over to him to accept a hug.

"But we can't let this bastard get away with leaving our sister after he knocked her up,can we Tom?" John spat,getting more annoyed and angrier by the minute. Tommy shook his head no and made his way towards the front door,signalling the boys to follow him.

No matter what you had done,Tommy would never do anything to push you away. The news had shocked him and he was really pissed off but he wouldn't tell you because he didn't want to upset you. He wanted his little sister to stay and the only way to do that was to have your back. Always.

I hope you guys liked this one! I'm also thinking about taking a break when the contest has ended

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I hope you guys liked this one! I'm also thinking about taking a break when the contest has ended. I have so much shit going on at home and my head is such a mess and I feel if I don't then these imagines might get shorter and I won't be able to write them how you want. I still haven't decided yet but I promise I will let you all know. If I do go for a little while then you can still request as well.


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