Tommy Shelby - I'll always find you

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*REMEMBER! The deadline for the contest is the 20th of March so make sure you've sent your work before then! Looking forward too it!*

*REQUESTED by spntrueforever *

"Tommy it's okay,you can go. Me and Ruby will be fine. Won't we Rubes?" You looked down at your daughter who gave a small nod and cuddled into your side,you felt her head and realised that her temperature was getting worse.

"I will be home before midnight,I promise. Ruby,make sure mummy behaves. Okay?" Ruby let out a little giggle as Tommy kissed the top of her head before moving to plant a kiss on your cheek.

"And you better get well soon because Roscoe is missing you" Tommy Shouted on his way out of the door. Roscoe was a present that Tommy had got his daughter when she was 5 years old and started showing an interest in horses. Tommy was overwhelmed and extremely proud when Ruby had said she wanted to learn to ride so he got her a horse for her birthday and the two were inseparable.

It was about 10 o'clock and you were sat by the fire,looking at old pictures of your family. A small smile appearing when you saw one of Tommy holding Ruby for the first time. You remembered that he was absolutely terrified that he would drop her or hurt her but as soon as he had his little girl in his arms,the worry floated away instantly and he fell in love for the second time in his life.

Your smile only grew when you heard the front door slam open,thinking it was Tommy. You stood up to meet your husband by the door but instead of the icy blue eyes that you were used too,you were met by sinister green eyes and a malicious smirk. You had never seen this man before in your life and you started to back away when you were hit over the head with a blind object. You fell to the floor but immediately tried to stand back up but failed when you were hit repeatedly.

Your head was throbbing and you tried your best to keep your eyes open but it was near enough impossible. The last thing that you heard was the screams of your daughter before you fell unconscious.

It was 5 minutes to midnight when Tommy reaches his house,he had promised his girls that he would be back on time and he wasn't going to break that. Panic set in when he saw that the front door was wide open. Making sure he had his guns strapped to his side,he ran into the house to see picture frames smashed and you lying on the floor,blood trickling down your face.

He ran over to you and kneeled by your side,moving a few strands of your hair from your face. Your eyes started to flutter and when they opened,you were met with the dark blue eyes of your husband. They always turned darker when he was annoyed or angry and this was one of those times.

"Y/N,what the fuck happened?" Your head shot up when you realised that you heard your daughter screaming before you fell unconscious.

"Ruby" your voice was barely audible but with the help of Tommy,you stood up and stumbled towards her bedroom. Your head was spinning and the pain was unbearable but at that moment in time,you didn't care. You needed to see if your baby was safe.

Your hand shot up to your mouth when you saw the small amount of blood on Ruby's carpet but no Ruby.

"Tom,they took her. Tommy they fucking took her" you screamed and fell into your husbands arms. Your breath was quickening by the second and you felt like you couldn't breathe.

"Hey,look at me. It's okay,we are going to find her. I promise" Tommy led you into your shared bedroom and made you lie down to get some rest. You turned so your back was facing Tommy as quiet sobs left your mouth and your salty tears stained the pillow you were lay on.

Tommy rushed back to the living room and grabbed his coat,hurrying to put it on. After a few minutes of struggling with it,he threw it to the floor and kicked a chair before breaking down on the floor in sobs.

When it came to girls,Tommy was pretty confident but when it came to meeting his daughter for the first time,he was terrified. He was scared that he was going to do something wrong and hurt her,he was scared that people would use her as a way to get to him and right now he was more scared than he had ever been before. He would stop at nothing until he got her back.


3 months. 2 weeks. 6 days. That is how long your daughter had been missing. You were constantly reminding yourself that your baby was a fighter and she wouldn't be dead. Tommy and the boys were doing everything they could to track you down but it seems like nothing was working.

"Tommy you need to rest,you haven't slept in 3 days" you trudged over to your husband and rubbed his shoulders. He sighed and let his head fall,letting a few of his tears fall onto his desk.

"What if we don't find her Y/N? What if my baby girl is dead?" His voice cracked and you could tell that he could no longer keep up his act. Tommy Shelby was a broken man but not having his daughter broke him even more.

"Tommy! Y/N! Get in here now" Finns voice travelled through the house but the urgency in his voice made you and Tommy run straight through the door.

You stopped in your tracks when you saw a bloody,dirty Michael carrying your beaten up daughter through the house. Your hand flew to your mouth and tears pricked your eyes. You let out a shaky breath before running over to join your husband who had already taken Ruby from Michael.

Your arms flung around Michael's neck and a few sobs escaped your mouth. "Thank you for bringing my baby back" you pulled away from Michael who just nodded before walking towards his mother. You turned around to see Tommy day on the floor cradling his daughter,kneeling down beside them you finally hugged your daughter. A weak smile returned to her face as her eyes fluttered towards you.

"Don't cry Mummy" her little arm outstretched towards your face to wipe away a few tears.

"Daddy,are you okay?" Her emerald green eyes stared into Tommy's blue ones.

"I have my family back together so I'm perfectly fine" a warm,soft smile was ghosted on his lips.

"I thought you weren't going to find me" Tommy brought his daughter closer to hug her again.

"We looked for you every single day. I'll always look for you and I'll always find you. We both will" Tommy held back his tears as you leaned onto his shoulder. The three of you sat for a while,thanking the lord that your little girl was still alive.

 The three of you sat for a while,thanking the lord that your little girl was still alive

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