Tommy Shelby / Alfie Solomons -Not a little girl

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*REQUESTED by @tommosonlyangel *
You were Alfie Solomons little sister. The light of his life and the only family he had left. He did everything he could to protect you. You and Alfie argued like most siblings do but you were both protective of each other and Alfie only had 2 rules. Never date anybody unless he has approved of them and never interfere with his business. So what happens if you accidentally broke the rules?

Tommy fucking Shelby. The blue eyed,King of Birmingham. You had fallen for him,hard. You first spotted him when he came down to London to do business with your brother and you two got to talking before he left and then every time he came down for business,he would always stay an extra few days so you could get to know each other. This went on for a few months before you both finally confessed your feelings for each other.

"Alfie, what've you got planned for today?" You rocked on your heels and stood in the doorway of your brother's office. His eyes flickered towards you before going back to his work.

"Well,Tommy Shelby is supposed to be sorting the new recruits today" You hummed in response and turned on your heels,not letting Alfie see the grin on your face at the mention of the Shelby. You hurried to your room and made sure you looked your best but also not too nice so Alfie didn't get suspicious and suspect anything.

A few hours had passed and you were currently sat in Alfie's office with your legs swinging over the arm of the chair.

"Ah,Mr Solomons" the familiar Birmingham accent drifted into your ears and you could feel yourself getting giddy. Your head swung round to see the face of the familiar Shelby. Standing up,and brushing yourself down, you held your hand out to Tommy.

"Pleasure to see you again Mr Shelby"

"The pleasure is all mine, Miss Solomons" Tommy gave a discreet wink and a blush crept onto your face as you shook hands with him,immediately feeling a spark. The same spark you got every time you touched.

"Right,enough dilly-dallying. Let's get your men sorted" Alfie clapped his hands and marched out of the room, Tommy following closely behind as you dawdled after them.

Tommy was giving a speech to the men about them being bakers and blah blah and then Alfie started speaking. You had managed to drown out their words with your thoughts when the mention of your name snapped you out of it.

"And my sister,Y/N, off limits" Alfie pointed with his cane.

"Any of you touch her and you'll regret it" Tommy spat. Alfie turned to Him and raised his eyebrow.

"Oh yeah? Why's that Thomas?" Alfie leaned closer to Tommy but he didn't seem to notice. He didn't move an inch,he wasn't scared of your brother and that was one thing you admired about him but also thought was pretty stupid.

"Because she's your sister Alfie and we are business partners now,so if my men do anything to jeopardise that then there will be trouble" Alfie nodded slowly and crossed his arms. It was a good job Tommy was a professional liar.

"Nah I think it's more than that,I think that you two-" Alfie pointed his cane at both of you "have something going on OR you have a thing for my sister"

You shuffled your feet under Alfie's haze as he stared you both down. "It's none Alfie" you rushed out,not wanting to know the consequences if he found out.

"Bullshit,you better tell me now. I've seen the way he looks at you" you racked your brain for a believable excuse but you couldn't think of anything.

"So what if something was happening Alfie? She isn't a little girl anymore" Tommy spoke up,you inwardly groaned and begged him to shut up in your mind.

"No matter how old she is,she will always be my baby sister and it will always be my job to protect her from men like you" Alfie turned to look at the man closest to him and hit him across the face with his cane.

"Alfie!" You squeaked out,visibly cringing at the sound,but he chose to ignore you.

"If I find out any of you have made a move on my little sister then you'll get worse than that and that is including you Thomas" Alfie spat to the side of him and walked out of the room,the men following behind him. Leaving only you and Tommy in the room.

"I guess this means we can't tell him yet?" You rolled your eyes at the blue eyed boy and nodded,walking closer to him. You put your hand on his chest as he stared into your eyes.

"Thanks for trying to stick up for me Tom,but next time just keep your pretty little mouth shut. Okay?" Tommy chuckled and nodded at you,leaning in for a sweet kiss but the sound of your brother yelling your name broke you apart. You groaned and gave Tommy a sad smile before turning to find out what Alfie wanted.

"Way to ruin the moment brother" you flung
your arms up in the air dramatically before letting them fall back to your side, leaving Tommy to chuckle and watch your figure walk away.

One day he would tell everybody that you were his. One day he would beat anyone that looked at you the way he did. One day he would tell your brother and not care about the consequences and one day he would marry you but for today, he was going to listen to you and keep his pretty little mouth,shut.

 One day he would tell your brother and not care about the consequences and one day he would marry you but for today, he was going to listen to you and keep his pretty little mouth,shut

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Hopefully you guys like this, I had a really good idea for this but im not sure it came out the way I wanted as I'm super sleep deprived. More request will be up tomorrow!

Ily all and thank you for reading❤️✨🌹

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