Questions Part 5!

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So I know that this book has officially ended but I've had a few more questions on my Tellonym so I'm going to answer them all here!

Question: Your favourite fruit?
Answer: My favourite fruit is probably oranges!

Question: What's the funniest name you ever heard?
Answer: Uhm I actually have no idea

Question: Can you give some advice on how a person can better themselves?
Answer: I could try but I'm also trying to work on that. The number one rule is : make sure you're changing for yourself and not for anybody else. I'm not really sure on how to better yourself maybe try eating good foods and keep a positive mindset no matter the situation.

Question:You already got plans for the future?
Answer: yeah, I have quite a few. I wanna travel the world, get a million dogs, meet my bestfriend for the first time and fall in love. I know it seems kind of cliche but 🤷🏻‍♀️

Question: In your group of friends what role do you play?
Answer: The replaceable one 😂 Uhm I kind of play the mum/therapist/immature. I'm forever looking out for my friends and always putting them first before I even think of myself but sometimes I'm a bit too much to handle when I'm hyper!

Question: Describe your last relationship in 3 words.
Answer: A. Big. Mistake. 😂

Question: Something you can't live without?
Answer: My bestfriend

Question:Do you have a favourite date?
Answer: Yes I do. It's the 5th of March, 2019.

Question: Did you dream anything today?
Answer: I dreamt that my brother was finally home and that I was married to Daniel Gillies 🤷🏻‍♀️🙂

Question: What are your feelings on marriage?
Answer: I'm not really sure how I feel about it but I think it's amazing when 2 people love each other so much that they promise to spend the rest of their lives together

Question: Do you like to spend the holidays with family?
Answer: Yeah I do, my family are my world so I like to spend as much time with them as I can

Question: What's the worst movie?
Answer: That is a tricky one because there are a lot of bad movies out there but probably..... green lantern. But I do recommend watching Legend if you haven't seen it, it's one of my all time favourite films and it's where my obsession with the Kray twins all started!

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