Chapter 9

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Word count: 4426


That whole night, I could not stop thinking about what had happened with Thomas.

I felt hurt by his actions, how he had treated me.

And I didn't even understand what I had done wrong, that made him act this way. When he had asked me if I was seeing a guy and he didn't believe me even when I said that there was no one.

Of course, I didn't even get why he would care. Why he would care if I was seeing someone. As far as I knew, we were just friends, even less than that. Even if I wanted a whole lot more.

I wanted to mean more to him.

And a little part of me believed that I did, mostly because of how he acted around me. How he would try to be around me all the time, it had me confused but wanting more.

I wanted to be around him also, that it was killing me that I was avoiding him.

I made to the classroom, shaking out of my thoughts. Of course, he seemed to always be on my mind, that it became difficult to focus on other things besides him.

But my mood dropped when I saw Thomas sitting there, right at our usual spot. And I felt bad for him a little when I saw that he looked absolutely horrible. He seemed completely worn out, with ruffled up hair that looked like he had ran his hands through it a thousand times. Tired eyes, making them threaten to shut closed any second.

My eyes shifted between him and Robert's table. I didn't know which table I should pick. Mostly, because I was scared of what Thomas might to. I did not want the day before incident to repeat. I didn't want him to get upset with me again.

I noticed how Robert have me a small old before pointing towards Thomas with his chin. Then he mouthed, "Go. It's okay."

I could only nod and then I took a deep breath before making my way over to Thomas. Tightening my straps on the bag, as I walked, becoming a nervous bundle.

Without saying anything, I took a seat next to him. I saw him look up as soon as I sat down, but I paid no attention to it.

And because I was still so nice, I decided to greet him, "Hi."

He seemed shocked by my words, but didn't respond.

I placed the subject books on the table, feeling my breathing grow heavy as I heard him move his seat closer to mine. But I ignored him because I didn't want to interact with him.

A couple of minutes later as I was busy listening to the teacher and writing down notes, I heard the tearing of paper. Before a slip of paper was pushed in my direction.

And without even thinking, I opened the paper, seeing a note.

Can we talk?

My eyes shifted between Thomas and the note, raising an eyebrow. But I wanted to seem strong and not forgive him so easily, so I ignored.

And then another paper was in front of me.


I thought about it for a moment, before I grabbed the paper and wrote down.


I slipped it over to him, burying my face in my hands.

Thomas let out a sigh, before I heard him writing then he gave it to me.

Because I want to. And I don't want to apologize over a stupid note. Please, let's just talk.

I sent him a pointed look and I didn't answer.

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