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Word count: 7378

*25th June 2019*


The white dress was made of silk, banding around her hips, complementing her curves. She stood in front of a full-length mirror, smiling to herself as her friends sat on the lounge, grinning from ear to ear at the bride. She was a nervous wreck, Deidre could tell clearly with sweat already coating her temple and eyes watering.

The girl was a firecracker on most days, but this was not one of them. This time, it was her wedding day and she was supposed to be promised to a man who she would be spending the rest of her life with.

"Can you go check on him? I need to know how he is and if he is as nervous as me. But don't tell him that. I can't have him knowing I am hesitating and a nervous wreck. I am sure he will start thinking that I am having doubts about him and I don't want to marry him. I do, I want to marry him. With all that we have been through, we deserve this. How long did you know Thomas before you married him?"

"Almost a year or so. It wasn't that long." Deidre walked up to her, straightening the veil on her head. "Listen to me. You are going to be fine. You two will work out. And the marriage will be a bliss. Trust me. Twenty-eight years and counting together, so I kind of know what I am talking about. He loves you and you love him, that is all there is to it."

Her teary eyes met hers and she clasped her hands "What if that is not enough? What if he slips? I would not be able to live through it again. I can't."

"Sweetie, it will work out fine if you two continue to communicate. He won't slip. I promise. I would be shocked myself, considering how much he loves you and wants it to work. Hold onto the promise he made you and it will all be all right. Now, will you excuse me? I have to find my husband and make sure our boy is doing fine."

Deidre headed out the room, quietly shutting the door, her eyes on the door across the hall and she went to the bathroom first. Her heartbeat was fast as she stepped in, searching through her purse for the item. Deidre did all the essential instructions and then waited, straightening her dress. She sighed in relief at the result, placing her hands on the counter.

Her soul nearly leaped out of her body as warm arms banded around her body, a mouth on her neck. "Hi, what do we have here? Were you thinking of hiding this from me?"

"No." She giggled when his hands went to grab it. "Thomas, I just peed on that. Don't be gross. And it's negative, thankfully."

Thomas frowned at her enthusiasm, not comprehending why she was not sad. "We can try again. We can try for another one right now. You will just have to keep quiet."

Deidre twirled on her heel, spreading her fingers on his chest and locking eyes with him. "Baby, no. I think this is a sign that we should be done. We are at seven already. We must focus on the ones we have and not try for another one the minute after one pops out. We need a break and vagina does too."

"You don't want another baby with me?" he pouted. "If I remember correctly, then after Emery, you were pleading for another one during sex. God, you were so insatiable that night. And to think this happened a little over a half a year ago. Do you remember that night? You practically sucked the life out of me and my cock."

She merely nodded in response, eyes falling closed as his lips tilted to her ear.

"You do know that if we are going to stop having more then I won't be able to release inside you. I doubt you would want to go on the pill. I heard it decreases your sex-drive. I would miss this cunt if it were to happen. Or perhaps condoms? Yet, the problem with those is that I won't be able to release inside you. Baby, can you imagine your pussy not milking my cock dry. And what if you were to change your mind if I got a vasectomy? Can you imagine yourself not swollen with my child, not full of my seed? I can't imagine it."

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