Chapter 35

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Word count: 5052


"I'm worried about him."

Robert cockled his brows. "Why?"

"How could I not be? He has not showed up at school in days, did not even show up on the date like he had promised. I know him, and I strongly doubt he would break the promise and not live up to the offer. Do you honestly think he would not keep his word?"

"No. The boy is horny as hell. There is no way he would not take the chance to not do something with you. Maybe he's sick?"

I fidgeted with my fingers, thinking the worst. "It doesn't feel that way. What if something has happened to him? Something bad? What if he is hurt?"

"Do you feel anything?" He continued as I quirked a brow, "The mate bond can be stronger if one is hurt. Have you felt anything? Any pain?"

"I just feel sour, bitter. I know, Thomas, and he would never do this. Even if he was sick then he would at least find a way to tell me this," I hollered. "Oh, God! What if he is hurt? What if something has happened to him? What if—"

Robert clasped my shoulder blades, drawing to him. "Deidre, no. Don't think that way. Don't overthink it."

His face softened as tears welled up in my eyes. "I can't help it. What if it's his father? What if Bruce hurt him? He was already pissed enough when I quit the job."

"If you want them we can go to his house after school to check. Will it make you feel better?"

"Yes!" I expressed, felicity blustering inside, throwing myself at him. "Robert, you genuinely are the best!"

"I know, sweetheart." He winked, arm draping over my shoulders. "Now let's get to class."

The remainder of the school day passed by uneventfully. The three of them noticed by sour frame of mind, deciding not to say anything about Thomas. All throughout the lessons, I proceeded on staring at his empty spot, frowning in dissatisfaction. I still hoped for him to show up, but was delivered not an appearance on his part.

The three of them would stare at me with bitterness, worry plastered on their faces, understanding my down mood.

"Hey, I'm sure he's fine. Thomas is a big boy, strong, he can handle himself. Look at all he has been through, even if something is wrong he would get through it."

That earned a smile and I rested my head against the headrest. "If it is Bruce, I will freaking kill him."

All of them were astonished by my statement. "Wow, Deidre. Never knew you had this side in you."

I rolled my shoulders in a careless way. "He messes with Thomas. He should pay for all he's done. The harm he has caused him is painful, he should pay."

Bruce had done nothing decent to Thomas, had solemnly brought harm. All his life, he had treated him with no amount of respect, let alone care. He had pushed him around as if he was nothing, with disappointment and frustration. Thomas had been his punching bag, the source for him to live out his enrage.

The man was a bastard. He had an egocentric nature, always caring about himself only, deciding what was best for everyone, holding lack of respect for other people. He treated himself as if the king of the world, the alone person who mattered. And if things were not done his way, a tantrum would be followed.

I had never met this self-absorbed creature before. Indubitably, this pack came along with various types of people, one more unpleasant than the other. Nevertheless, no one matched up to Bruce. No one crossed him. He was the worst of his kind.

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