Chapter 38

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Word count: 3357


Deidre's head was throbbing as she awoke, grasping to her scalp, arising from the cool floor. Her eyes opened, finding herself in an unfamiliar room. It was clean and almost empty - a single closet resting by her side, a king-size bed across from her. The walls had been painted crimson, a dim light in the corner of the space.

She had a struggle memorizing the prior incidents, how she had ended up there. And then she remembered — walking home, having told Robert she would like to walk in order to get some fresh air, kissed Thomas goodbye and headed home, dread building for a reason unknown. And the rest was blank.

What had happened and where was she?

There was something wrapped around her neck, but she was unable to make it out, vision blurry. Her fingers skimmed her scalp, discovering a hint of liquid, flinching at the anguish. "What the hell?" Deidre blinked vigorously, breathing robust. She thought it was a joke, a prank her friends were pulling on her.

In the far distance a door was opened, footsteps approaching. Was she surprised at Bruce's appearance? Was she shocked to find out he was behind it? He had kidnapped her off the street and taken her there? No, she truly wasn't because it was nothing he was not capable of.

Bruce was the kind of man who you could never tell what he was thinking. The man had a secretive, hidden beneath the walls personality, acted on impulse and was a selfish man over all.

Deidre scurried to the corner, wincing from the pain in her head, observing Bruce with terror infused eyes. "What is going on?"

A sinful sheer crossed his face as he bent down to Deidre's level. "Welcome to my home, sweetheart."

"W-What?" Deidre spluttered, until realization struck as she noted the decorations and familiar colored walls.

"Do you know where we are?"

The girl nodded swiftly, heart rate picking up. "The strip club. Why am I here?"

"You left this place in such a hurry that most of the clients were unsatisfied, one specific client. All these men wanted your attention and you ran off like a scared little mouse. And I am now very disappointed."

"Look, I'm sorry, but I didn't want to do this anymore," she rushed to explain. "I realized I didn't want to do this anymore. Aren't there any other girls they would want? I cannot possibly be the only one. Someone who is more experienced can do the work more better than me."

Bruce released a cackle, brushing a fallen lock behind her ear. "Men are intrigued by inexperience. Why else would you assume that all the guys seem to be attracted to you?"

Deidre's eyes raised to meet his, catching the vile glint in them. "You're the client, aren't you? You are the client who was left unsatisfied?"

"See, you are as smart as they tell." Bruce laughed. "Meaning, you can tell exactly what I want. Let that beautiful brain of yours work."

Revulsion tingled through her spine as she grimaced. "Go to hell. I am doing nothing what you want. You can forget about it. I quit. I don't have to do anything anymore."

Deidre flinched from the touch of his hand skimming the collar of her shirt, fingers tiptoeing down to her chest, underneath the fabric. "Sweetheart, I believe you are forgetting who is in control here. You're a smart girl, don't you know not to mess with an Alpha? An Alpha should be satisfied."

"You have a goddamn mate. Have her do it for you!" she barked, gaining the strength she was not even aware of.

Deidre's veins were infused with horror as Bruce's fingers grazed her left breast, attempting on jerking out of his grasp, but was held by him, other hand's fingers fisting in the front of her skirt. "You see, my wife... her and I have quite different tastes. She is more into men who are more her age, I am not enough. And I suppose she is not also. My tastes have been more the younger. The younger the better. You must have realized this by now."

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