Chapter 27

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Word count: 4036


There are a thousand ways on how our day could end, even if in the end it ends up with two ways.

Happy or sad.

You don't know this at the start of the day since some things are inevitable.

These were exactly the thoughts that were racing through Thomas's mind.

The guy was lying in his bed, hugging the pillow to his chest, thinking about the earlier events.

Thomas was undeniably heartbroken.

His heart was swelling inside his chest as he continued remembering everything that had happened. The way he had treated Deidre and his friends, which was the most horrible way.

And now, he had no one. He was wholly alone.

Thomas had never felt such emotion in his life, the emptiness that coursed his veins. He sniffled, hugging the pillow as if his life depended on it, pretending that it was Deidre.

Thomas had never missed anyone the way he missed Deidre.

There was this constant ache that he could not get rid of, the guilt that consumed him. Thomas was filled with such regret, the way he had insulted Deidre and everyone he had cared about. If he could have taken it all back then he would have, but now he could not possibly do it.

Suddenly, his door was slammed open and his father was found standing there. Bruce leaned against the doorway, giving his son a smug look. "Still whining about your slut of a mate?"

"Leave me alone. I don't have the energy to deal with any one of you."

"This is not the way to speak with your father."

"I am not even going to respond to that, because you are not even close to being my father. You probably know how I feel about all of you," Thomas muttered. "What do you need?"

"I am going to let that slide since I am not in the mood to deal with you."

"If you are here to mock, make fun of me then you can just leave."

"Ursula is tired of waiting and so is her father. You are still bound to mate with Ursula, marry her."

Thomas clenched his jaw at the thought of marrying, mating anyone other than Deidre.

He could not even stand the idea.

"Go to hell! I am doing no such thing!" Thomas snapped, twisting in bed, hugging Deidre's sketchbook to his chest.

He had not returned it.

Thomas had not had the chance to return it. For one, because he did not wish to. Second, he wanted to keep it for a while. And third, he did not want to face Deidre.

Thomas wanted to look at her sketches more since he was impressed by them.

Bruce shook his head in disapproval. "Thomas, don't be stubborn. I have had enough of your foolishness. Edward and I made a deal years ago that you are going to marry Ursula. Your life purpose is to be the next alpha and are bound to be with Ursula, make her your luna."

"I would rather die than make your wishes come true. You can forget your shitty plan."

"Your disagreements don't mean anything. It does not matter what you say because it is not going to change anything."

"Go to hell! I am not doing shit!" Thomas shot up from the bed, grabbing his leather jacket, heading to the door.

Although, his movements were halted by Bruce grasping a hold of the collar of his shirt. Thomas flinched when he was slammed against the wall, Bruce gripping onto the clothing. "Don't you dare. This is not over yet."

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