Chapter 18

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Word count: 3654


"Well, someone is smiling like crazy," Robert's voice suddenly spoke from behind me, making me jump.

"I am not smiling," I lied, continuing my drawing that I was currently handling. "This is just my normal look. I always look like I am smiling."

He grinned, flopping down next to me on the grass. "True. So what are you doing? Or more like, what are you drawing?"

My cheeks heated up as I quickly hid the sketchbook out of his sight. "N-Nothing. Just some trees."

And in a second, Robert had ripped the sketchbook out of my hands, looking through it like a little kid. "Damn. Those are quite the sketches. Damn, Deidre, you draw pretty well."

"Thank you! Now can you give it back?" I questioned, trying to get it out of his hands before he could get a better look at the other drawings.

But it was too late because Robert had already flipped the page. "Well. Tommy boy is here too. This is so pretty."

"Okay. You got a good look. Now give it back!"

Robert raised an eyebrow in a challenging manner. "Deidre, are you hiding something?"

"N-No. I just don't want you to see because these are personal!"

In a blur of the moment, he had stood up and ran away. "Nope. I want to see!"

I didn't even need to think twice as I ran after him, sprinting so fast so that he could not look farther. "Robert, no. Give it back! Just give it back!"

He shook his head, laughing like crazy as I continued chasing him around the schoolyard. I ignored the weird looks that we got from the people who were also there. I caught the sight of Jonathan and Erin, who were standing there with furrowed eyebrows.

And I didn't give Robert the chance to react before I jumped on his back, making him topple to the ground. "Ouch. Deidre, seriously?"

I tried grabbing the sketchbook out of his hands, but he only moved it out of the way. "Give it back before I honestly punch you!"

"No!" he protested, still having the guts to laugh.

And I froze when he suddenly flipped a page of the book and landed on a page. A specific drawing.

"Shit," I muttered.

Robert began laughing like crazy as he continued looking at the drawing. "Oh my god!"

"Do not say a word!" I warned.

"And I thought that you were innocent!" He chuckled, choking on air. "But I guess not since you love drawing specific pictures."

"Stop. This is embarrassing!" I exclaimed as I continued sitting on top of him.

"I bet that Thomas will be a little embarrassed if he knew what you were drawing! Although I can also bet that he will like it very much! He will probably even let you draw him, just like in those pictures!"

"Shut up."

"Even though I can bet that your clothes will also be off in the end. Damn, Deidre, I didn't know that you were into nudity so much!"

"I am not into that!" I protested, a hint of a lie lacing my tone.

Robert continued laughing, all the while staring at the drawing. "I am certain that you think of him naked all the time, which is probably where you get your amazing ideas from! Did this drawing get inspired by real life ev—Ow! Don't pinch my butt!"

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