Chapter 23: Emily (Part 1)

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*****These two Emily chapters contain material that may be upsetting to readers, including child trafficking and  violence*****

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*****These two Emily chapters contain material that may be upsetting to readers, including child trafficking and  violence*****

Emily looked up at the man in front of her, her loose chocolate curls blowing in the wind. His blue eyes were kind and inviting, and she smiled as he leaned down to hand her a flower. There was a whole bouquet of sweet-smelling tulips in his hands, and he was dressed in a fancy white suit.

"Hey there, sweet thing. What are you doing out all by yourself? Is your mommy around?" The man surveyed the area with concern, but she shook her head. "Are you lost?" he asked, touching her hair gently with his hand, and she shook her head again.

"I walk this way home from school. It's faster to go through the park. Are you waiting for someone?" Emily was curious about him, having never seen such a nicely dressed man before. The expression on his face was kind and welcoming, and he smiled when she showed interest. The sun reflected off of his darker blond hair that was just like her daddy's.

"As a matter of fact, I am. I'm a little nervous though." The man laughed, pulling out a small stuffed animal from his vest pocket. It was a kitten with button eyes and her gaze was absorbed into it until a small cloth fell to the ground from under it. "Oh, sorry."

The man reached for it, but she grabbed it first and lifted it to hand it back to him. He was so much taller than her, even crouching. With the handkerchief so close to her face, she noticed that is was damp and smelled strange. The man's kind eyes turned sharp, and then the handkerchief was over her mouth and she couldn't breathe.

Struggling in his arms, she couldn't free herself from the man's grasps. The park around her blurred, and she caught his icy gaze only once before her head lulled and her eyes closed, the form of a small stuffed cat fading as her vision blackened.


Emily had thought that her captor, Josef, explaining to her how to properly give him pleasure had been the worst thing imaginable, but she had been wrong. Afterward, when he had sold her to the first man, she had thought that there could surely be nothing worse.

She had been so wrong then too.

The blood was draining out of the man in front of her onto the floor. In a flood, it washed her feet with a steaming heat that tore her insides apart. The man was shaking and in tears, his eyes hollowed from the lack of food or sleep, and bruises covered his face.

This man had been in no better a position than she was, but she had killed him.

Josef had demanded it.

Josef didn't want her and her friend, the girl who was also a captive with her, to make money exclusively from pleasuring men.

No, he wanted killers.

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