***Finished Revision ***

223 17 18

The story has been revised! Word count is 155k (I deleted 80k words)

I'm still over Query length by 50k words  (bummer) but that's a third of the story. .__.

If you read through it, let me know what you think could be taken out  if you see anything</3

-----> Chapter lengths are landing around 3200 for the first two, but average chapter length is 1800-2500  for each chapter (word counts are on the bottom of each chapter)

-----> Some characters and motivations are changing. (IE bringing some less featured characters more into the story and straightening out others who had conflicting parts)

-----> The end wont be changing. I'm mostly just removing my main POV going to school and bringing the female POV closer to the story start <3

Thanks for reading lovelys and let me know that you think! ^.^

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